• 全部
  • Title

    Stiffness analysis of partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beams under negative bending moment

  • 作者


  • Author

    MO Shixu;CHAI Longjie;ZHENG Yan;HUANG Yijun;TAN Xinning

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil Engineering, Guilin University of Technology
    Guangxi Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials and Construction Industrialization, Guilin University of Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Objectives This study investigates the flexural performance of partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC (ultra-high performance concrete) composite beams under negative bending moment, static load tests were conducted on nine composite beams with varying steel fiber contents, reinforcement ratios, and relative filling heights under reverse concentrated force. Methods The contributions of different parameters to the enhancement of the beams’ mechanical properties were quantitatively assessed. Additionally, theo⁃retical deflection calculations, which take into account interface slip and flange cracking, were compared and validated against experimental results. Results The stiffness of the partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beams reached its peak in the overall elastic stage. After flange cracking, the stiffness slightly decreased. When the lower flange of the steel box locally yielded under compression, multiple through-cracks formed at mid-span. At the ultimate load stage, there was no significant reduction in bearing capacity. Compared with partially-filled narrow steel box-Normal Concrete (NC) composite beams and nar⁃row steel box-UHPC composite beams, as the parameters increased, the ultimate bearing capacity, stiff⁃ness at the serviceability limit state, and stiffness at the ultimate limit state of the partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beam increased by up to 57%, 25%, and 21%,  respectively. The loads corre⁃sponding to crack widths of 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm, and 0.2 mm increased by up to 155%, 266%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusions The partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beam exhibits high stiff⁃ness, excellent crack resistance, and superior bearing capacity. The current codes for calculating the de⁃flection of composite beams under negative moments are overly conservative. In contrast, the effective mo⁃ment of inertia method, which considers the influence of interface slip in composite beams under negative moments, provides more accurate calculations of the deflection of the test beams.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    partially filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beams;ultra-high performance concrete;ulti⁃mate bearing capacity;crack width

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    莫时旭,柴龙杰,郑艳,等. 负弯矩作用下部分充填式窄幅钢箱-UHPC 组合梁刚度分析[J]. 河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2025,44(2):164⁃175.
  • Citation
    MO S X, CHAI L J, ZHENG Y, et al. Stiffness analysis of partially-filled narrow steel box-UHPC composite beams under negative bending moment[J]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University (Natural Science), 2025, 44(2): 164-175.
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