• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis of application prospects of solid state hydrogen storage technologyin the demonstration project of “hydrogen entering myriad homes”

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Qiang;LI Lijun;ZHAO Chaoshan;HAO Jia;LIU Jun;WANG Xinyu;PAN Fengwen

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Center
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The development of hydrogen energy is an important measure for China to promote energy structure transformation andachieve "carbon peak". Hydrogen energy mainly has been demonstrated and applied in fuel cell vehicles,with a relatively single applicationscenario which cannot drive the construction of a complete hydrogen energy supply system in the hydrogen energy industry chain. Atpresent,the Ministry of Science and Technology,in collaboration with the Shandong Provincial Government,is implementing the"Hydrogen Entering Myriad Homes" technology demonstration project in the Shandong region. Focusing on the implementation of theconstruction goals of one hydrogen expressway,two hydrogen ports,three science popularization bases,four hydrogen parks,and fivehydrogen energy societies,the application demonstration of industrial parks,community buildings,transportation and mobile energy use, ports,highways and other scenarios is carried out,through the construction of pure hydrogen pipe networks,hydrogen blending ofnatural gas and other measures. Constructing large-scale hydrogen energy application scenarios in three areas,including industrial energysupply,urban energy supply,and transportation,and creating a Qilu model for the "Hydrogen Entering Myriad Homes" demonstrationproject,which contributes Shandong's experience to the development of the national hydrogen energy industry. Solid metal hydrogenstorage has broad market prospects in industrial energy supply,urban energy supply,transportation and other scenarios due to itsadvantages of high volume hydrogen storage efficiency,high energy efficiency,and high-level safety. It can effectively solve the problemsthat have been exposed in the transportation,storage,and refueling of high-pressure gaseous hydrogen. In this article,the futureapplication of solid state metal hydrogen storage technology was analyzed and prospected,including hydrogen storage,distribution,supply and heat transfer,based on hydrogen energy application scenarios in "Hydrogen Entering Myriad Homes" and the characteristics ofits technology. The development of solid metal hydrogen storage technology is predicted,which will play an important role in hydrogenstorage of station,hydrogen energy storage/power generation,emergency power supply for hydrogen exchange,combined heat and powersupply for hydrogen storage and supply,etc. Magnesium-based materials has a high matching degree in long-distance transportation oflarge volume solid hydrogen storage,application of hydrogen storage in hydrogen stations and combined heat and power storage andsupply,which solves the problem of easy control of hydrogen storage and release. Building a high-density hydrogen storage staticcompression integration system will improve energy consumption and safety. Lanthanide and titanum-based materials is suitable for large-scale storage of hydrogen,applied in the field of hydrogen energy storage/power generation,to complete the process of normaltemperature and low pressure hydrogen storage. Lanthanide nickel-based materials be applied to emergency power supply hydrogenstorage,to achieve rapid hydrogen absorption and discharge,which has certain reference significance for the industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    solid metal hydrogen storage;hydrogen entering myriad homes;pure hydrogen pipeline network;natural gas mixed with hydrogen;hydrogen storage

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHAO Qiang,LI Lijun,ZHAO Chaoshan,et al. Analysis of application prospects of solid state hydrogen storagetechnology in the demonstration project of “ hydrogen entering myriad homes” [J].Clean Coal Technology,2025,31(2):147−154.

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