• 全部
  • Title

    Advancements in CO2 adsorption performance of porous organic frameworkstructures and their derivatives

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yuke;LI Xiangyu;WANG Jiancheng;YI Qun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal-Based Energy,Taiyuan university and technology
    College ofEnvironmental Science and Engineering,Taiyuan university and technology
    School of Chemical Engineering andPharmaceutical Sciences,Wuhan Institute of technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In response to the urgent need to address global climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,the development ofefficient and cost-effective CO2 capture technologies has become a primary focus of scientific research. In this context,Metal-OrganicFrameworks (MOFs) and Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs),along with their derivatives,have emerged as prominent areas ofstudy due to their unique physicochemical properties. This paper systematically reviews and analyzes recent advancements in CO2adsorption research related to MOFs,COFs,and other porous structures. It compares and explores the performance optimizationstrategies for CO2 capture in MOFs,COFs,and their derivatives. The focus is on aspects such as material design and synthesis,CO2adsorption performance evaluation,and adsorption mechanism analysis. The key factors influencing structural adsorption performancewere comprehensively summarized,with particular emphasis on the impact of structural functionalization,pore size modulation,surfaceproperty enhancement,and composite materials on CO2 adsorption capacity. Additionally,it discusses the combined experimental andtheoretical approaches used to reveal the interaction mechanisms between adsorbents and adsorbates,providing molecular-level insights.Finally,the paper addresses existing problems and challenges in current research and proposes directions and recommendations for futurestudies. 

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon dioxide;adsorption;porous material;metal organic frameworks;covalent organic framework

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yuke,LI Xiangyu,WANG Jiancheng,et al. Advancements in CO2 adsorption performance of porous organicframework structures and their derivatives[J].Clean Coal Technology,2025,31(2):178−191.
  • 相关文章

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