Fabrication of coal tar pitch group component based carbon materials forhigh-performance potassium storage
LIU Chang;YANG Yunlei;WANG Le;WANG Xinhai;LI Xiao;ZHENG Yong;LI Hongmei
Recently,coal tar pitch-derived carbon materials have been widely used as anode materials for potassium-ion batteries due totheir adjustable structure and high conductivity. However,the molecular structure and composition of coal tar pitch are complex anddiverse,and the structural differences between different pitch components may affect the structure and electrochemical performance.Precise control over the microstructure of carbon materials is quite challenging,especially the relationship between the structuralproperties of coal tar pitch components and the potassium storage performance of their derived carbon is still unclear. Therefore,it isurgent to fully understand the composition and structural characteristics of the pitch,and investigate the impact of pitch composition onthe formation of carbon microstructure and potassium storage performance. This work used solvent extraction technology to fractionatecoal tar pitch,successfully separating toluene-soluble (TS),toluene insoluble-quinoline soluble (TI-QS) and quinoline insoluble(QI) component. The TS-derived carbon materials (TS-800) is primarily dominated by intercalation potassium storage. However,due to the limited number of storage sites and reduced spacing between carbon layers,it exhibits poor capacity and cycling stability. TI-QS-800,due to the combination of intercalation and adsorption potassium storage,has a relatively higher capacity at low current density(333 mAh g),but its rate performance significantly decreases under high current densities. QI-800 has a larger layer spacing anddisorder degree,which is beneficial for rapid migration of potassium ions,and has the best rate performance,with relatively better cyclingperformance. This work not only provides new insights into the design and preparation of coal tar pitch-based carbon materials,but also offers important experimental data and theoretical support for the development of anode materials for potassium-ion batteries.
Coal tar pitch;Group component;Carbon materials;Potassium-ion batteries;Anode
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会