• 全部
  • Title

    Characteristics and zoning control of coal-electricity sites in the Ningdongcoal-related industrial zone

  • 作者


  • Author

    FENG Xiaotong;FENG Jianquan;SHI Zhiyu;REN Yuxin;DONG Jihong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology
    Engineering Research Center ofMine Ecological Restoration, Ministry of Education
    Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of CHN ENERGY
    School of Public Policy and Management, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    China is the world's largest producer and consumer of coal, with a long history of extraction. Many coal-produ-cing regions have developed clusters of coal-related industries. With the rapid development of the coal related industry,land degradation and soil pollution caused by the expansion of coal related sites and the discharge of coal based solidwaste have become increasingly severe. The proposal of identification and zoning control strategies for coal related sitetypes is the key to achieving regional energy resources, low-carbon development, and ecological protection. The studytakes the coal-related industrial area of Ningdong Coal Electricity Base as the object: Determine the information character-istics and deciphering identifiers of featured features in Ningdong Coal Electricity Base coal-related industrial area, andput forward the index system for extracting featured features at the regional scale and site scale, including coal sites, coalpower sites, coal chemical sites, ect. At the regional scale, site type identification was conducted using Landsat remotesensing imagery. The analysis of land use dynamics and land use transition matrices was employed to examine the spati-otemporal evolution and differences in coal-related industrial areas. From 2003 to 2023, coal power sites emerged fromnon-existence, with coal mining sites increasing by 10.68% and coal chemical industry sites by 26.33%. The coal-electri-city integration area in the Ningdong Coal Electricity Base coal-related industrial area exhibits a rapid expansion trend. Atthe site scale, pattern analysis was conducted using Sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery with a resolution of 10 meters forthe year 2023. The analysis revealed that coal mining sites covered an area of 68.38 km², accounting for 6.88% of the totalarea, exhibiting a random spatial distribution. In contrast, coal chemical industry sites spanned 49.03 km², representing4.93%, and demonstrated significant spatial aggregation. Coal power sites occupied 24.28 km², making up 2.44%, with arelatively concentrated spatial distribution. Used the DPSIR (Driving-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) model, a compre-hensive ecological risk assessment was conducted for coal-related industrial areas. The average ecological risk index forthese areas was 0.602, indicating a low level of risk, with a 65.66% reduction in risk from 2003 to 2023, reflecting a posit-ive trend in ecological management. Five zoning control models were proposed: “dynamic restoration” modes for residen-tial aggregation areas, ecological maintenance areas, production monitoring and early warning areas, damage restorationand reconstruction areas, and other regulatory areas. This research provides theoretical and methodological support, aswell as foundational data, for the identification of characteristics in coal-electricity integration sites in the Ningdong CoalElectricity Base coal-related industrial zone, which is significant for the governance of coal-electricity integration sites andregional ecological restoration.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Ningdong coal-related industrial area;coal-electricity-chemical site;index system;feature recognition;risk management

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    FENG Xiaotong,FENG Jianquan,SHI Zhiyu,et al. Characteristics and zoning control of coal-electricity sitesin the Ningdong coal-related industrial zone[J]. Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(4):408−423.
  • 相关专题

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