Duncan MainaHeinz Konietzky
Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie FreibergDepartment of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering, School of Mines and Engineering, Taita Taveta University
Room and pillar mining is an underground mining method that utilizes natural pillar support to control rock mass behavior, ensuring mine stability and a safe mine environment. This study specifically documents the influence of the intermediate principal stress component on the pillar behavior. So far only classical failure criteria ignoring the influence of the intermediate principal stress component were used for underground pillar design. By using an extended Hoek–Brown failure criterion in comparison with the classical Hoek–Brown failure criterion, the influence of the intermediate principal stress component is documented by indicating those areas where the failure criterion is violated. This study demonstrates, that depending on the rock type, the intermediate principal stress component can have a significant effect. Ignoring this influence can lead to uneconomic pillar design and incorrect determination of the factor of safety.
Hoek–Brown failure criterionIntermediate principal stress componentPillar StrengthRoom and pillar mining
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会