• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation study on ultrasonic unplugging of coal fines plugging screen tube

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Jinwei;WEI Yingchun;LI Huiru;WANG Ping;LIU Ziliang;WANG Anmin;CAO Daiyong

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 科学技术研究院中联煤层气国家工程研究中心有限责任公司

  • Organization
    College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
    Science and Technology Research Institute, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
    China United Coalbed Methane National Engineering Research Center Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    针对煤层气井筛管出现的煤粉堵塞问题,借助COMSOL有限元仿真模拟软件搭建了煤层气井筛管的二维和三维仿真模型,采用数值分析的方法研究了超声波作用位置和频率对筛管区域声压和声场均匀性的影响,探讨了利用超声波解堵筛管的可能性。研究结果表明:超声波作用产生的声压可以达到发生空化效应的最小压力值,对煤粉堵塞筛管具有解堵效果;超声波作用于筛管下外侧壁中心和筛管下内侧壁中心时,声压幅值的变化趋势基本一致,声压幅值较大,但声场分布均匀性较差,而超声波作用于筛管内中心时,声压幅值较小,声场分布均匀性较好;绝对声压和声场均匀性随着超声波频率的增加整体呈上升趋势,在60 kHz频率下,绝对声压较大且声场均匀性较好,在20~40 kHz频率范围内,绝对声压和声场均匀性在较低的范围内变化,在40~60 kHz频率范围内,绝对声压和声场均匀性随频率的改变波动较大;利用超声波技术对筛管进行解堵时,若超声波作用于筛管下外侧壁中心和筛管下内侧壁中心,超声波频率选择50 kHz或60 kHz,若超声波作用于筛管内中心,超声波频率选择30 kHz或60 kHz,这2种情况筛管区域绝对声压较大且声场均匀性较好,空化程度较高,解堵效果较好。

  • Abstract

    Aiming at the problem of coal fines plugging in the screen tube of coalbed methane wells, a two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulation models of the screen tube for coalbed methane wells were built with the help of COMSOL finite element simulation software, and the effect of ultrasonic action position and frequency on the sound pressure and the uniformity of the sound field in the screen tube area was studied by numerical analysis, and the possibility of using ultrasonic to unplug the screen tube was discussed. The results show that the sound pressure produced by ultrasonic can reach the minimum pressure value of cavitation effect, and it has the effect of unplugging the screen tube blocked by coal fines. When the ultrasonic wave acts on the center of the outer wall under the screen tube and the center of the inner wall under the screen tube, the change trend of the sound pressure amplitude is basically the same. The sound pressure amplitude is large, but the distribution uniformity of the sound field is poor. While the ultrasonic wave acts on the center of the screen tube, the sound pressure amplitude is small, and the distribution uniformity of the sound field is good. The absolute sound pressure and sound field uniformity show an overall upward trend with the increase of ultrasonic frequency. At the frequency of 60 kHz, the absolute sound pressure and sound field uniformity are larger and better. In the frequency range of 20 kHz to 40 kHz, the absolute sound pressure and sound field uniformity vary in a low range. In the frequency range of 40 kHz to 60 kHz, the absolute sound pressure and sound field uniformity fluctuate greatly with the change of frequency. Using ultrasonic technology to unplug the screen tube, if the ultrasonic wave acts on the center of the outer side wall under the screen tube and the center of the inner side wall under the screen tube, the ultrasonic frequency should be 50 kHz or 60 kHz; and if the ultrasonic wave acts on the center of the screen tube, the ultrasonic frequency should be 30 kHz or 60 kHz. In both cases, the absolute sound pressure in the screen region is larger and the sound field uniformity is better, the cavitation degree is higher, and the unplugging effect is better.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane wells;ultrasonic technology;coal fines plugging;screen tube unplugging;COMSOL

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    任金伟,魏迎春,李慧茹,等. 超声波解堵煤粉堵塞筛管的数值模拟研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2025,56(2):93−101.
  • Citation
    REN Jinwei, WEI Yingchun, LI Huiru, et al. Numerical simulation study on ultrasonic unplugging of coal fines plugging screen tube[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2025, 56(2): 93−101.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 煤层气井筛管二维和三维仿真模型

    图(7) / 表(0)


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