Application of 8-tower VPSA process in low-concentration coalbed methane CH4 concentration and enrichment
WEI Zikang;YAN Yongfei;LI Cunlei;CHEN Shuo;NING Yiwan
辽宁石油化工大学 机械工程学院辽宁石油化工大学 石油天然气工程学院
为了提高低浓度煤层气的利用率,促进煤矿安全生产与瓦斯治理,基于真空变压吸附(VPSA)工艺的工作原理,提出了8塔1吸5均压(8−1−5)的低浓度煤层气甲烷浓缩富集控制工艺。选用西门子S7−300型PLC作为下位机控制器,紫金桥V6.5作为系统控制组态,各吸附塔以24步序为1个循环周期交替工作。结果表明: 8塔工艺可将低浓度煤层气中的CH4含量由28%提升至51.53%,CH4回收率达到了96.4%。
In order to improve the utilization rate of low-concentration coalbed methane, promote coal mine safety production and gas control, based on the working principle of vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) process, a control process of methane concentration and enrichment for low concentration coalbed methane with 8 towers, 1 suction and 5 pressure equalization (8-1-5) is proposed. Siemens S7-300 PLC is selected as the lower computer controller, Zijinqiao V6.5 is used as the system control configuration, and each adsorption tower works alternately with 24 steps as a cycle. The results show that the 8-tower process can increase the CH4 content in low-concentration coalbed methane from 28% to 51.53%, and the CH4 recovery rate reaches 96.4%.
coalbed methane;VPSA process;gas control;PLC control;CH4 concentration
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会