Deformation and failure mechanism and control technology of soft rock roadway in Chengzhuang Mine
针对成庄煤矿15#煤二盘区膨胀性软岩巷道发生两帮和底鼓等大变形严重、难以满足安全高效生产的问题,从泥岩吸水膨胀和巷道应力集中2方面开展软岩巷道两帮变形和底鼓机理研究;利用SEM试验揭示泥岩膨胀变形微观机制,基于弹塑性理论建立巷道底板力学模型,分析底板变形力学机制并获得开挖后巷道底板变形最大值;基于此,分别提出两帮和底板变形控制技术方案,并开展工业试验。现场监测数据表明:支护后两帮位移小于15 mm,底鼓小于50 mm,有效控制了巷道变形破坏。
Aiming at the problem of serious deformation phenomena such as two sides and floor heave occurring in the expanding soft rock roadway in the second panel area of 15# coal of Chengzhuang Coal Mine, which is hard to meet the requirement of safe and efficient production. We carry out the research on the deformation mechanism of two sides and floor heave of the soft rock roadway in terms of the water-absorbing expansion of the mudstone and the stress concentration in the roadway. SEM test is used to reveal the micro mechanism of the expansion and deformation of the mudstone, and a mechanical model of floor deformation is established based on the theory of elasticity and plasticity. The mechanical model was established to analyze the mechanical mechanism of floor deformation and determine the maximum value of floor deformation. Based on this, the two sides and the floor deformation control technology scheme were proposed respectively, and industrial tests were carried out. The field monitoring data showed that: the two sides displacement of the roadway was less than 15 mm, and the floor heave was less than 100 mm after the support, which effectively controlled the deformation and damage of the roadway.
expansive soft rock;roadway deformation mechanism;support schem;roadway support;surrounding rock control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会