Study on anchoring performance and failure mechanism of rock bolts under different stiffness conditions of surrounding rock
XUE Fei;LIN Zhongqin;WEI Weifeng;WANG Tianzuo;GU Xudong
绍兴文理学院 土木工程学院绍兴文理学院 浙江省岩石力学与地质灾害重点实验室福州大学 土木工程学院浙江绍兴杭绍临空示范区开发集团有限公司绍兴建科工程检测有限公司
为探究不同围岩刚度条件下锚杆的锚固性能和失效机制, 采用不同规格套筒模拟硬岩、中硬岩和软岩刚度环境, 开展了不同围岩刚度条件下锚杆拉拔测试, 借助声发射(AE)、应变仪和数字图像相关技术(DIC)进行同步监测, 分析了围岩刚度对锚杆的锚固强度、刚度和锚固失效模式的影响规律, 揭示了拉拔过程中锚固界面声发射和剪应力分布特征以及套筒周向和轴向应变演化规律。结果表明: 随着围岩刚度降低, 锚杆的锚固强度和刚度逐渐减小, 低围岩刚度下锚杆锚固强度和刚度仅为高围岩刚度条件下的65%和44%, 在高刚度和中等刚度围岩条件下, 锚固失效模式主要表现为锚杆−锚固剂界面滑移失效; 而在低刚度围岩条件下, 则主要表现为锚固剂−围岩界面滑移失效。拉拔荷载作用下, 试样经历弹性、峰前屈服、峰后软化以及摩擦滑移4个阶段, 围岩刚度越低, 峰前屈服阶段越明显。锚固界面脱粘始于峰值剪应力附近, 位于锚杆中部偏下位置, 且围岩刚度越小初始脱粘位置离锚杆中部越近。随着拉拔位移的增大, 套筒周向应变呈先增大再减小最后趋于平缓的趋势。套筒轴向应变呈现为下部受压上部受拉, 峰值应变位于套筒两端, 上部受拉区域随拉拔位移的增大逐渐向下延伸, 且轴向应变量随围岩刚度降低而增大。研究结果可为不同围岩刚度条件下锚杆的支护设计提供参考。
This study investigates the anchoring performance and failure mechanisms of rock bolts under varying surrounding rock stiffness conditions. Sleeves of different specifications were used to simulate the stiffness environments of hard rock, medium-hard rock, and soft rock. Bolt pullout tests were conducted under these conditions, with synchronous monitoring using acoustic emission(AE), strain gauges, and digital image correlation(DIC) technology. The effects of surrounding rock stiffness on bolt anchoring strength, stiffness, and failure modes were analyzed, revealing the AE characteristics, shear stress distribution at the anchoring interface, and the evolution of circumferential and axial strains in the sleeves during the pullout process. The results show that as surrounding rock stiffness decreases, both the anchoring strength and stiffness of the bolts diminish, with their values under low-stiffness conditions being only 65% and 44% of those under high-stiffness conditions, respectively. Under high and medium-stiffness conditions, anchoring failure is primarily characterized by slip at the bolt-grout interface, whereas in low-stiffness conditions, slip predominantly occurs at the grout-rock interface. During the pullout loading process, specimens exhibit four distinct stages: elasticity, pre-peak plastic yielding, post-peak softening, and friction-sliding. Lower surrounding rock stiffness results in a more pronounced pre-peak plastic yielding stage. Interface debonding initiates near the peak shear stress and is located slightly below the bolt's midpoint. The lower the surrounding rock stiffness, the closer the debonding initiation point is to the midpoint of the bolt. As pullout displacement increases, the circumferential strain of the sleeve initially rises, then decreases, and finally stabilizes. Axial strain patterns in the sleeve show compression at the bottom and tension at the top, with peak strains located at both ends. The upper tensile region extends downward as pullout displacement increases, and axial strain magnitudes grow as surrounding rock stiffness decreases. In the friction-sliding stage, both anchoring interfaces are fully debonded, and the pullout force stabilizes, sustained primarily by frictional forces. These findings offer valuable insights for the design of rock bolt support systems under varying surrounding rock stiffness conditions.
pullout test;anchoring performance;interface failure mode;acoustic emission;strain evolution
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会