• 全部
  • Title

    Study on anti-impact mechanism of pre-stressed anchorage in deep roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Qinghai;ZHANG Haoran;JI Yonghu;MA Xiaoyong;ZHANG Cunzhi

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院山东李楼煤业有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    Shandong Lilou Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    针对频繁动载冲击作用下围岩锚固预紧力易丧失现象, 以李楼煤矿1303工作面回风巷为工程背景, 采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法开展了相关研究, 分析了动载冲击下锚固预紧力演化趋势, 研究了动载参数对锚固效果的影响规律。基于动载作用下锚固力学分析及数值模拟分析,确定1303 工作面回风巷锚固支护合理预紧力数值为70 kN;进一步模拟获得动载振幅、动载频率对锚固效果的影响规律,其中,动载振幅越大, 其对锚固体的损伤破坏越大。动载频率越小, 其对锚固体的损伤破坏越大,高振幅、低频率动载冲击比低振幅、高频率动载冲击对围岩的损伤破坏大。通过现场应用验证了动载冲击作用下合理预紧力对提高巷道围岩控制效果的有效性。研究成果可为类似条件矿井围岩控制提供借鉴。

  • Abstract

    Aiming at the phenomenon that the anchorage pre-tightening force of surrounding rock is easy to lose under frequent dynamic load impact, taking the return airway of 1303 working face of Lilou coal mine as the engineering background, the relevant research is carried out by combining theoretical analysis with numerical simulation. The evolution trend of anchorage pre-tightening force under dynamic load impact is analyzed, and the influence law of dynamic load parameters on anchorage effect is studied. Based on the analysis of anchorage mechanics and numerical simulation under dynamic load, the reasonable pre-tightening force of anchorage support in return airway of 1303 working face is determined to be 70 kN. The influence of dynamic load amplitude and dynamic load frequency on the anchoring effect is obtained by further simulation. Among them, the larger the dynamic load amplitude, the greater the damage to the anchorage body, and the smaller the dynamic load frequency, the greater the damage to the anchorage surrounding rock. The damage of the surrounding rock is greater under high amplitude and low frequency dynamic load impact than under low amplitude and high frequency dynamic load impact. Through field application, the effectiveness of reasonable pre-tightening force under dynamic load impact to improve the control effect of roadway surrounding rock is verified. The research results can provide reference for mine surrounding rock control under similar conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep roadway;prestress;impact load;dynamic load parameters;fracture evolution

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 图表
    • 1303工作面地质柱状图

    图(20) / 表(8)


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