Process problems and optimization scheme at Guo’erzhuang Coal Mine Coal Preparation Plant
HAN Xiao-kai
The coal preparation plant of Guo 'erzhuang Mine has undergone many technical transformation and expansion, and there are some problems in the process that affect the production and efficiency, which need to be optimized. The main process problems of Yikeng coal preparation plant include raw coal without buffer bin, coal loss in jig, and sharing of top water between two jig machines. The main process problems of Erkeng coal preparation plant include low screening efficiency of fixed screen, blocked by coal pit, and low processing capacity of filter press. Through targeted analysis of the problems and local conditions, solutions are proposed to effectively ensure the normal operation of coal preparation plant and improve the economic benefits of enterprises.
raw coal buffer bin;jig coal separation;loss of medium coal;head water;coal slime treatment;Process optimization
1 选煤厂简介
2 工艺现存问题
3 工艺优化方案
3.1 恢复一坑选煤厂原煤储存仓,实现原煤集中分选
3.2 降低跳汰中煤损失优化方案
3.3 一坑跳汰机顶水管路优化
3.4 二坑一级筛由固定筛更换为振动筛
3.5 二坑受煤坑坑口堵塞优化方案
3.6 提高二坑压滤机处理能力优化方案
4 工艺优化预计效果
4.1 一坑原煤集中分选预计效果
4.2 降低跳汰中煤损失预计效果
4.3 一坑跳汰机顶水管路优化预计效果
4.4 二坑一级筛改为振动筛预计效果
4.5 二坑受煤坑坑口堵塞优化预计效果
4.6 提高二坑压滤机处理能力预计效果
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会