Application of digital carbon management platform in Sanhekou Coal Preparation Plant
ZHANG Ming-gang;CAO Hao;LIN Hao
The coal preparation plant involves a large amount of energy consumption and carbon emission data in the production process, and traditional manual processing methods cannot comprehensively collect, analyze, and process the data. Data storage will occupy a lot of space and is prone to loss. In order to facilitate the organization and viewing of this data, Sanhekou Coal Preparation Plant has customized a digital energy and carbon management platform, mainly including smart energy management and smart carbon management. It uses charts to deeply analyze the energy consumption and carbon emissions within the coal preparation plant, and properly saves relevant data in Excel reports or documents for easy viewing at any time. At the same time, a comprehensive review of greenhouse gas emissions data in the coal preparation production process was conducted, and a detailed carbon emission report was compiled based on this. Through a comprehensive analysis of core indicators such as carbon footprint, a strong scientific decision- making basis was provided for promoting green coal preparation and strengthening energy conservation and emission reduction.
energy management;carbon emissions;carbon footprint;coal preparation plant
1 系统架构
2 系统功能及作用
2.1 数字化能碳驾驶舱
2.2 智慧能管
2.2.1 数据采集
2.2.2 数据统计
2.2.3 数据分析
2.3 智慧碳管
2.3.1 碳报告管理
2.3.2 碳足迹管理
2.3.3 生产经营及碳资产管理
3 数字化能碳平台的应用效果
4 结 语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会