Practice and technical transformation of coarse fine slime dehydration and ash reduction process in Pingmei No. 8 Mine Coal Preparation Plant
LV Jia-wei;ZHANG Guang-wei;WU Er-dong;DING Ji-yu
In view of the large load of the crude refined coal dehydration system and the high moisture and ash content of coarse fine slime, the Pingmei No. 8 Mine Coal Preparation Plant carried out technical transformation of the coarse fine slime dehydration recovery process. Using the transformation scheme of graded recovery of coarse fine slime, the ash content was reduced from 11. 25% to 10. 66%, and the moisture content decreased from 13. 23% to 12. 80%, increasing the annual benefit by 12. 585 million yuan per annum, with significant economic benefits.
coal preparation plant;clean coarse slime;dehydration and ash reduction;graded recycling;economic benefits
1 生产现状及存在问题
1.1 生产现状
1.2 存在问题
1.2.1 精煤磁选尾矿粗精煤含泥量高
1.2.2 TBS粗精煤含泥含水量超标
2 改造方案及实施效果
2.1 改造方案
2.1.1 分级回收TBS溢流
2.1.2 合并回收精煤磁选尾矿粗煤泥
2.1.3 升级叠层高频振动细筛
2.2 改造效果
2.2.1 分级选流器底流夹细得到改善
2.2.2 叠层高频振动细筛脱泥降灰效果显著
2.2.3 粗精煤产品水分明显降低
3 效益分析
3.1 精煤产率提高
3.2 运输成本降低
3.3 电耗降低
4 结 语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会