China Coal Datong Energy Tashan Coal Preparation Plant research and application of pre-depulverizing process optimization
ZHANG Xu-dong;ZHU Zhi-hao;SHENG Peng-fei;TAO Zhi;PENG Jian-xi
The characteristics of coal quality and the current production process of Tashan Coal Preparation Plant in Datong Energy of China Coal were analyzed. Due to the large content of pulverized coal in washed raw coal, the product recovery rate and product quality were reduced. It was proposed that cross-screening was used to de-pulverize raw coal by -3 mm to optimize the coal slime process. After the transformation of raw coal depulverization process, the coal slime content in refined coal products is reduced by 2%, the water content of commercial coal is reduced by 1. 5%, the recovery rate of product coal is increased by about 2%, and remarkable economic and social benefits have been obtained.
coal preparation plant;pre-depowder;cross screen;benefit analysis
1 煤质分析
1.1 原煤煤质特点
1.2 产品煤煤质特点
2 脱粉工艺论证
2.1 分级粒级方案
2.2 脱粉设备比较
2.3 工业试验分析
3 脱粉工艺改造
3.1 工艺改造方案
3.2 脱粉洗选工艺
4 效果分析
5 结 语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会