Application of jet microbubble flotation machine in Hulusu Coal Preparation Plant
LI Ye-jiang
This paper analyzes the feasibility and necessity of coal slime floatation in cucurbitan coal preparation plant, the application status and existing problems of traditional floatation machine, and according to the application status of jet microbubble floatation machine in Cucurbita coal preparation plant, this paper introduces the technical characteristics of this new type of flotation machine, which can be used for reference by other coal preparation plants of the same type in the flotation process of fine coal slime.
coal preparation plant;flotation machine;technical characteristics;application
1 选煤厂概况
1.1 原有块煤洗选工艺
1.2 新增末煤洗选工艺
2 末煤系统及浮选系统建设背景
2.1 末煤系统建设背景
2.2 浮选系统建设背景
2.2.1 煤泥浮选可浮性验证
2.2.2 煤泥浮选必要性
3 浮选工艺系统应用
3.1 浮选系统简介
3.2 浮选机工作原理
3.3 运行效果分析
4 结 语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会