• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of intelligent flotation quality control and blending efficiency improvement

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Chen;SHAO Feng;YAO Jian-xin;ZHU Ze-jian;WANG Xiu-dong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shandong Jining Canal Coal Mine Co. , LTD.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The intelligent flotation dosing system optimizes the flotation process through instruments and meters, accurately detects key data and results of the flotation process, establishes different mathematical models, and combines PID control of various control objects to form a Fuzzy+PID control strategy, achieving precise closed-loop intelligent control of flotation dosing; After dehydration, the floating clean coal is automatically adjusted according to the ash content of the floating clean coal and block clean coal, and the operation of the disc feeder is adjusted to mix the floating clean coal with the block clean coal belt, ensuring that the ash content index of the mixed coal is qualified.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    slime flotation;Fuzzy+PID control;intelligent dosing;blending of clean coal

  • 文章目录

                        1 研究背景
    2 智能浮选质量控制系统设计
    2.1 智能浮选质量控制系统的重要性
    2.2 2段式浮选检测尾矿灰分
    2.3 智能浮选质量PID控制原理
    2.4 智能浮选质量控制系统的运行过程
    2.5 控制系统的软件实现
    2.6 工业实验及生产运行指标
    3 精煤掺配提效方案设计
    3.1 精煤掺配提效的重要性
    3.2 精煤掺配现状
    3.3 精煤掺配提效改造方案
    3.4 精煤掺配提效改造后运行效果
    4 结 语

  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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