Practice of intelligent transformation of slime water system in coal preparation plant
HE Yu-ting
The construction of intelligent coal preparation plant is an important direction in the future. Aiming at the problems of coal slime water in a coal preparation plant in Inner Mongolia, this paper carried out the transformation through hardware upgrading and functional design of coal slime water treatment system. The transformation practice shows that the dosage of thickener can be adjusted intelligently according to the working state of thickener, improve the accuracy of dosing and avoid the loss of chemicals. Through remote monitoring and dosing, the concentrator dosing mobile control is realized, the flexibility of production control is improved, and the intelligent transformation of slime water in other coal preparation plants is provided for reference.
coal preparation plant;slime water;concentrated dosing system;reform practice
1 煤泥水系统存在问题及研究目标
2 硬件升级与实施
3 煤泥水处理系统功能设计
3.1 实现远程监控加药
3.2 实现加药装置自动启停
3.3 实现加药装置自动配药
3.4 实现加药量自动调节
4 煤泥水处理系统使用效果
5 结 语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会