Identification and analysis of main hazardous factors in coal preparation plant
WU Wen-bo;GAO Wei
This paper introduces the causes and main places of dangerous and harmful factors such as fire, explosion, electric shock, mechanical injury, lifting injury, object strike, fire, height fall, collapse, drowning, noise, dust, high and low temperature injury, poisoning asphyxiation and burning in coal preparation plant, and provides basis for subsequent countermeasures.
coal preparation plant;dangerous and harmful factors;identification and analysis
1 选煤厂主要危险、有害因素的产生原因
1.1 爆炸
1.2 瓦斯爆炸
1.3 容器爆炸
1.4 火灾
1.4.1 造成火灾事故的主要因素
1.4.2 可能发生火灾的场所
1.5 机械伤害
1.6 物体打击
1.7 起重伤害
1.8 触电
1.9 高处坠落
1.10 灼烫
1.11 淹溺
1.12 坍塌
2 主要危险、有害因素的存在场所
3 结 论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会