• 全部
  • Title

    Biomass/ coal gasification characteristics of copper-iron composite oxygen carriers modified by K2CO3

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Huan-hong;LI Xia;AN Mei;MA Qing-xiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Ningxia Vocational Technical College of Industry and Commerce
    Key Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization, Ministry of Education, China University of Mining and Technology
    State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering, Ningxia University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The research on chemical looping gasification of Biomass/ Coal has important theoretical significance for the development and utilization of resources. In this study, K CO -modified copper-iron composite oxygen carriers were prepared by impregnation- mechanical mixing method. Thermogravimetric - mass spectrometry and pulse thermal analysis were used to investigate the steam gasification performance of Biomass/ Coal before and after the addition of oxygen carrier. The loading amount of the sample is mg, and the gasification reactions last for minutes under the conditions of gasification agent(water vapor) flow rate of 3. 0 g/ h and ℃. It is found that the sample YMYC(corncob/ Yang chang wan coal) has better gasification performance, and its syngas content and n(H  ) / n( CO) are 81. 21% and 13. 14, respectively. Compared with before addition, it was found that the addition of K CO modified copper-iron composite oxygen carrier could reduce the syngas content of the system by 7. 60%, and increased the n(H ) / n(CO) ratio to 19. 24. For the purpose of preparing high concentration syngas, K CO modified copper-iron composite oxygen carrier is a suitable oxygen carrier for Biomass/ Coal chemical looping gasification. The activation energy E of Biomass/ Coal and K CO modified copper-iron composite oxygen carrier, and the relationship between the activation energy E and the conversion rate α of Biomass/ Coal were obtained by ( FWO) Flynm - Wall - Ozawa isoconversional method. The results show that as the gasification temperature increases(to around 650℃), the conversion rate increases(greater than 0. 4), and the gasification activation energy first increases and then decreases, indicating that this stage of the reaction is a rate-controlling transition process.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    chemical-looping gasification;oxygen carrier;biomass/ coal;equal conversion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

                        1 实验部分
    1.1 实验材料与试剂
    1.2 生物质/煤样的制备
    1.3 K2CO3修饰铜铁复合载氧体的制备
    1.4 气化反应性能评价
    1.5 数据处理
    1.5.1 气化转化率
    1.5.2 气体的摩尔量
    1.5.3 合成气的含量
    1.5.4 气体的产量
    1.5.5 逸出气体摩尔分数
    1.5.6 动力学研究
    2 结果分析与讨论
    2.1 生物质/煤的气化反应性能
    2.2 生物质/煤和K2CO3修饰铜铁复合载氧体的气化反应性能
    2.3 反应前后载氧体结构分析
    2.4 动力学计算与分析
    3 结 论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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