• 全部
  • Title

    Study on coal quality characteristics of Mongolia Coal No. 5

  • 作者


  • Author

    GEGEN Ta-na;BIAN Qi;SUN Tian-jian;JU Xi-jie

  • 单位


  • Organization
    BayannurToday Think Tank Energy Co. , LTD
    Urad Customs of the People’s Republic of China
    SUMEC International Technology CO. , LTD
    Baosteel Resources Holding(shanghai) Company Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The Mongolia No. 5 raw coal was taken as the research object. The basic coal quality characteristics, ash composition, process performance, coal petrological characteristics, floating and sinking experiments and coking characteristics toward the object were studied and analyzed. The research results indicate that No. 5 raw coal shall be divided into ultra-low total moisture, medium ash, medium volatile matter and medium sulfur coal. The mineral catalytic index(MCI) of coal ash is relatively low, while the ash fusibility belongs to medium softening temperature ash. The object shows strong adhesion but signs of deteriorationat the sametime. Aoa expansion performed well but Giemy flow turned out to be on anaverage, level. Content of harmful trace elements is low, but attention should be paid to the environmental migration of fluorine. The active inert ratio of coal rock is 2. 5, which can meet the strength requirements after coking reaction. The rapid floating and settling of raw coal results in a better tertiary recovery rate for refined coal. The strength of coke after Coke Strength after Reaction( CSR) is 63. 0% . The content of various anisotropic components is 21. 0%, the coal can meet the requirements of China's imported coking coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mongolia No. 5 raw coal;coal quality characteristics;mineral catalytic index;deterioration phenomenon;fluorine element;coke strength after reaction

  • 文章目录

                        1 实验方法
    1.1 试验原料
    1.2 试验用仪器
    1.3 试验用标准方法
    2 试验结果与讨论
    2.1 工业分析结果
    2.2 煤灰化学性质
    2.3 粘结性及塑性指标
    2.4 有害元素分析
    2.5 煤岩特征
    2.6 原煤的快速浮沉
    2.7 蒙古5号煤制备焦炭质量特征
    3 结 语

  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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