• 全部
  • Title

    Comprehensive utilization of coal electricity solid waste and its carbon emission on reduction effect

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Yun-gai;WANG Huang-dong;WANG Yong;WANG Ming-quan;YAN Chun-xia;GUO Ying-bin;SUN Jun-min

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Datang Tongzhou Technology Co. , Ltd
    Inner Mongolia Medical University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The coal-fired power industry is one of the most major sources of CO emission while it is ensuring our country’ s energy supply. Promoting the comprehensive utilization of SW-CFP has a significant synergy on resource conservation and carbon emission reduction, and is one of the critical paths to achieve the goal of " double carbon" . This paper focuses on the present situation of the comprehensive utilization of SW-CFP, and elaborates the comprehensive utilization ways and CO emission reduction ways of SW- CFP in road construction, building materials, ecological restoration, engineering filling, etc. From the perspectives of promoting CO emission reduction and increasing CO absorption, the carbon reduction and sequestration effects of SW - CFP in different application fields were analyzed, which could provide reference proposal for thermal power enterprises to choose the technology path of solid waste utilization and energy-efficient carbon reduction to local conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-electric solid waste;comprehensive utilization;CO2 emission reduction

  • 文章目录

                        1 粉煤灰综合利用途径及碳减排效应
    1.1 粉煤灰用于生产水泥
    1.2 粉煤灰用于混凝土的制备
    1.3 粉煤灰用于地聚合物胶凝材料的制备
    1.4 粉煤灰用于制备土壤改良剂
    1.5 粉煤灰用于矿山生态环境修复
    1.6 粉煤灰用于工程填筑
    2 脱硫石膏综合利用途径及碳减排效应
    2.1 脱硫石膏用于水泥行业
    2.2 脱硫石膏用于复合胶凝材料体系
    2.3 脱硫石膏用于石膏建材
    2.4 脱硫石膏用于土壤改良剂
    2.5 脱硫石膏用作路基材料
    2.6 脱硫石膏用作充填材料
    3 燃煤电厂炉渣综合利用途径及碳减排效应
    3.1 炉渣用作建筑材料
    3.2 炉渣用于矿山回填
    3.3 炉渣用于土壤改良
    4 结 语

  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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