Occurrence characteristics and utilization potential of scarce coking coal resources in Huaibei coalfield
ZHAN Run;ZHANG Wenyong;HAN Feng;SUI Fengtang;GU Jiayi;LIU Guijian;ZHAO Tian
安徽省煤田地质局勘查研究院中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院安徽省战略性矿产资源深部探测与评价利用重点实验室安徽大学 资源与环境学院
稀缺炼焦用煤是钢铁与化工行业基础保障能源,因具有稀缺性、不可替代性和不可再生性被认为是一种战略性矿产资源。安徽省淮北煤田作为国家首批设立的稀缺炼焦煤重点矿区之一,资源量丰富且煤质优良,是华东地区最具开发潜力的炼焦煤资源产地。为系统认识研究区稀缺炼焦用煤赋存特征与开发利用潜力,利用以往钻孔资料与井下补充采样测试,通过煤岩分析、工业煤质指标测试、综合制图、资源评价等方法,揭示了本区稀缺炼焦煤赋存的时空差异特征、形成控制因素与资源潜力。结果表明:淮北煤田稀缺炼焦煤煤类发育齐全,洗选后的浮煤总体表现为特低−低水、特低−低灰、特低−低硫、特低−低固定碳、中高挥发分的煤质特点,并具有中−强黏结性和结焦性、低钾钠含量与较好机械强度和热强度的工艺性质。本区稀缺炼焦用煤受区域构造与煤层沉积展布控制,下石盒子组7、8煤层最为发育,煤田北部稀缺炼焦煤多呈零星状分布,煤田南部成连续带状分布,由西南向北东方向煤变质程度呈变高趋势。成煤期后燕山期不同方位断裂活动与岩浆耦合作用联合控制了稀缺炼焦煤的形成与时空展布。从清洁绿色开发角度将稀缺炼焦用煤划分为为低灰−特低硫煤、特低灰−低硫煤、低灰−低硫煤3个等级,空间上分别呈现集中式、广泛式、零星式分布特点。分类、分级、分区估算了−1 500 m以浅稀缺炼焦煤保有资源量约有101.65亿t,占煤田总保有资源量的78.13%,资源潜力巨大。通过建立稀缺炼焦用煤资源开发利用评价指标体系,运用层次模糊评价法+“一票否决”因素,将各矿井、勘查区划分为有利、较有利、一般、不利4类开发区,针对不同类型开发区提出了保护限制性开发、总量控制性开发、禁止性开发建议。
The scarce coking coal is the fundamental guarantee energy of steel and chemical industry, and is considered as a strategic mineral resource because of its scarcity, irreplaceability and non-renewability. The Huaibei Coalfield in Anhui Province, as one of the first key mining areas of scarce coking coal set up by the state, has rich resources and excellent coal quality, and is the most promising coking coal resource source in East China.In order to systematically understand the occurrence characteristics and exploitation and utilization potential of scarce coking coal in the study area, this paper reveals the spatio-temporal difference characteristics, formation control factors and resource potential of scarce coking coal in the study area through coal rock analysis, industrial coal quality index test, comprehensive mapping and resource evaluation, using previous drilling data and underground supplementary sampling tests.The results show that the scarce coking coal in Huaibei coalfield is well developed, and the floating coal after washing shows the characteristics of ultra−low water, ultra−low ash, ultra−low sulfur, ultra−low fixed carbon, medium and high volatile, and has the process properties of medium−strong bonding and coking, low potassium and sodium content, and good mechanical strength and thermal strength.The scarce coking coal is controlled by the regional structure and the sedimentary distribution of coal seams, and the coal seams of Xiashihezi Formation 7 and 8 are the most developed. The scarce coking coal is distributed sporadically in the northern part of the coalfield, and continuously distributed in the southern part of the coalfield, and the metamorphism degree of coal is increasing from southwest to northeast in the area.The formation and spatiotemporal distribution of scarce coking coal were controlled by the fault activity in different directions and magmatic coupling in the post−Yanshanian period. The scarce coking coal is divided into three grades: Low−ash−ultra−low−sulfur coal, ultra−low−ash−low−sulfur coal, low−ash−low−sulfur coal, and low−ash−low−sulfur coal from the perspective of clean and green development.It is estimated by classification, classification and zoning that the reserved resources of shallow scarce coking coal at −
Huaibei coalfield;scarce coking coal;existence characteristics;coal rock and coal quality;development and utilization;potential evaluation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会