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  • Title

    Zone feature and control technology of overlying strata mining-induced fracture in shallow buried compound goaf

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Beifang;LYU Yuanhao;ZHANG Jing

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 鄂尔多斯研究院辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院煤炭开采水资源保护与利用全国重点实验室辽宁工程技术大学 理学院

  • Organization
    Ordos Institute of Liaoning Technical University
    School of Mining, Liaoning Technical University
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
    School of Science, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要

    神东矿区浅埋近距离煤层开采覆岩裂隙发育,漏风条件复杂,遗煤自燃隐患突出,严重制约矿井安全、高效生产。为此,采用相似试验和数值模拟划定浅埋复合采空区覆岩采动裂隙分区,运用分形几何理论量化分区裂隙,基于“关键层理论”分析裂隙分区诱因并提出针对性治理技术方案。结果表明:31114工作面开采覆岩裂隙循环张开、闭合,地表滞后工作面周期性产生倾向动态裂缝。浅埋复合采空区覆岩裂隙呈“M”状分布,划为垮落带不规则裂隙区Ⅰ,裂隙带斜向破断裂隙区Ⅱ、Ⅲ和斜向离层裂隙区Ⅳ,地表边界内侧形成边缘裂缝。其中,裂隙区Ⅰ空隙发育、分布复杂,裂隙网络分形维数最大为1.569,裂隙区Ⅱ、Ⅳ和Ⅲ依次为1.531、1.438和1.396。建立浅埋复合采空区覆岩关键岩块“砌体梁”结构力学模型及失稳判据,阐释覆岩基本顶关键层“砌体梁”结构回转变形失稳导致裂隙区Ⅱ和Ⅲ斜向破断裂隙张开,基本顶关键层和层间关键层“砌体梁”结构组合承载作用致使裂隙区Ⅳ斜向离层裂隙发育。提出浅埋复合采空区覆岩斜向裂隙和地表裂缝井上、下协同治理技术,增加工作面进、出上覆采空区和末采阶段推进速度至14 m/d,辅以裂隙区Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ及边界地表回填风积沙、覆盖黄土。SF6示踪技术测试表明浅埋复合采空区地表漏风量小,覆岩采动裂隙治理效果良好,为遗煤自然发火防治提供重要理论参考依据。

  • Abstract

    The overlying strata fracture caused by shallow and close coal seam mining is developed, and air leakage condition is complicated, which leads to prominent hidden danger of residual coal spontaneous combustion and seriously restricts the safe and efficient production of Lijiahao coal mine. Therefore, similar experiment and numerical simulation were used to delimit mining-induced fracture zone in overlying strata of shallow buried compound goaf, fractal geometry theory was utilized for quantifying the fracture in zone of overlying strata. Based on the key layer theory, the cause of the overlying strata fracture zone was revealed and targeted control technology plan was proposed. The results showed that, the overlying strata fracture circularly opened and closed during 31114 working face mining, while the surface periodically produced dip dynamic crack behind the working face. Ultimately, the fracture distribution in overlying strata of shallow buried compound goaf presented “M shaped”, which could be divided into irregular fracture zone Ⅰ in caving zone, oblique breaking fracture zone Ⅱ, Ⅲ and oblique separation fracture zone Ⅳ in fracture zone and the edge crack was formed inside the goaf boundary. Among them, the void of fracture zone Ⅰ intricately developed and disorderedly distributed, so the fractal dimension of the fracture network was the largest, 1.569. Then followed by fracture zone Ⅱ, Ⅳ and Ⅲ, 1.531, 1.438 and 1.396 respectively. The mechanical model and instability criterion about “voussoir beam” structure of broken key rock block in overlying strata of shallow buried compound goaf were built to explain that the rotation deformation and instability of the “voussoir beam” structure of key layer in main roof led to the oblique breaking fracture opening in fracture zone Ⅱ and Ⅲ, while the combination bearing effect of the “voussoir beam” structure of key layers in main roof and interlayer resulted in oblique separation fracture development in fracture zone Ⅳ. The surface-underground collaboration control technology of overlying strata oblique fracture and surface crack in shallow buried compound goaf was put forward. That was the advancing speed of the working face was increased to 14m▪d−1 at the stage of entering and leaving the overlying goaf and final mining, combined with backfilling wind-deposited sand and covering loess to deal with surface crack of fracture zone Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ. SF6 tracer technique test proved that the surface air leakage was small and the control effect of overlying strata mining-induced fracture in shallow buried compound goaf was good, which provided an important theoretical basis for the prevention and control of residual coal spontaneous combustion.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow buried compound goaf;fracture zone;fractal geometry theory;"voussoir beam" structure;fracture control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    汪北方,吕元昊,张 晶. 浅埋复合采空区覆岩采动裂隙分区特征及其治理技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2025,53(2):41−52.
  • Citation
    WANG Beifang,LYU Yuanhao,ZHANG Jing. Zone feature and control technology of overlying strata mining-induced fracture in shallow buried compound goaf[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2025,53(2):41−52.
  • 图表
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