Development and performance testing of OTDR-based twisted fiber optic strain sensors
TAO Qiangsheng;LI Yingming;WANG Xiangjun;FAN Chaotao;GUO Demao;DUAN Wencong
安徽理工大学 深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控国家重点实验室安徽理工大学 矿业工程学院
为了精确监测高应力软岩巷道岩体变形规律,基于光时域反射技术,研制了一种缠绕式光纤应变传感器,研究了传感器结构中的弹簧直径、节距、有效圈数及压缩位移对光纤光损耗数值与灵敏度的影响,并通过性能测试对传感器结构进行了优化。研究结果表明:传感器内光纤弯曲损耗与其空间螺旋结构的几何尺寸有显著关系,主要影响因素有光纤单位长度弯曲损耗、光纤弯曲半径、缠绕的节距及缠绕圈数,受弹簧线径影响较小。光纤初始损耗随着弯曲半径和节距的增大而减小,随缠绕圈数、压缩位移的增大而增大;初始灵敏度随弯曲半径、压缩位移的增大而减小,随节距的增大出现先增大后减小的趋势。当弹簧线径为1.2 mm、直径14 mm、节距14 mm、有效圈数4圈时,弹簧−光纤结构最大量程可以达到50 mm,将弹簧−光纤结构改进封装成传感段,并与延时段首尾相接能够组成一个完整的传感器,单个传感器的误差较小,测得的“光损耗−压缩位移”关系式具有良好的线性关系,能够实现100 mm的位移监测,且通过进一步改进可以实现更大量程。同时,多个传感器经串联后能够形成准分布式测量系统,可以有效实现巷道深部岩体和周边岩体变形的精确监测。
To accurately monitor the deformation patterns of rock masses in high-stress soft rock tunnels, a coiled optical fiber strain sensor was developed using optical time-domain reflectometry. The effects of spring diameter, pitch, number of turns, and compression displacement on fiber optic loss and sensor sensitivity were analyzed, and the sensor structure was optimized through performance testing. The results indicate that the bending loss of the optical fiber within the sensor is significantly influenced by the geometric dimensions of its helical structure. Key factors affecting this include the fiber’s unit-length bending loss, bending radius, winding pitch, and the number of turns, while the spring wire diameter has minimal effect. The initial loss of the optical fiber decreases as the bending radius and pitch increase, but increases with the number of turns and compression displacement. Initial sensitivity decreases as the bending radius and compression displacement increase, while showing a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the winding pitch. When the spring wire diameter is 1.2 mm, the diameter is 14 mm, the pitch is 14 mm, and the effective number of turns is 4, the maximum range of the spring-optical fiber structure can reach 50 mm. The structure was enhanced and encapsulated into a sensing section, which, when connected end-to-end with the delay section, forms a complete sensor. The individual sensor demonstrated low error and exhibited a linear relationship between “optical loss and compression displacement,” enabling displacement monitoring up to 100 mm, with the possibility of achieving larger ranges through further refinement. Additionally, multiple sensors can be connected in series to create a quasi-distributed measurement system, allowing for precise monitoring of deformation in the deep rock mass and surrounding areas of the tunnel.
roadway deformation;fiber optics;OTDR;displacement sensor;bending loss
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会