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  • Title

    Full-scale experimental study on stress deformation of large diameter natural gas pipeline in subsidence area

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Wen;HONG Lei;REN Jiandong;LU Xiaowei;GONG Shuang;GUO Runsheng;DONG Miao

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院中国石油化工集团有限公司 华北油气分公司

  • Organization
    School of Energy Science Engineering Henan Polytechnic University
    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation North China Natural Gas Branch
    School of Energy and Mining, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    Ltd. North China Oil and Gas Branch, China Petrochemical Co.
  • 摘要

    为研究煤与天然气重叠区域内开采沉陷作用下埋地天然气管道的力学特征及变形演化模式,研制均匀载荷下大直径天然气管道受力变形试验装置,结合管道变形理论和数值模拟软件研究了采动沉陷对埋地管道变形的影响。同时,基于全尺寸力学特征试验探究了载荷作用下大直径管道的受力变形特征并做出了安全运维分析。结果表明:随着管道下沉量的逐渐增大,管道两端的下沉量相较于管道中心较小;管道的变形于管道中心大致呈左右对称分布;管道中心相对位移量小于管道两端的相对位移量。在自重和载荷作用下,管道顶部和底部分别受压力和拉力作用,压缩和拉伸变形量从管道两端向管道中心逐渐增大,最大压缩和拉伸变形位置均位于管道中心。随着施加载荷的不断增大,管道的整体变形形态呈现出从平底状到漏斗状的演化过程。在自重作用下管道最大沉降量为45 cm,达到管道最大允许沉降量的35%,在载荷作用下管道的最大下沉量为63.6 cm,达到管道最大允许沉降量的50%。根据管道的拉伸应变和最大允许弹性极限变形量估算了管道的安全临界值。结合管土协同和非协同变形数据,计算拉伸分别为31 mm和90 mm,从管道整体失效判据角度分析,管道处于安全变形范围内,能够满足管道安全运维需求。

  • Abstract

    To investigate the mechanical characteristics and deformation evolution patterns of buried natural gas pipelines under subsidence in coal and natural gas overlapping areas, this study integrates pipeline deformation theory with numerical simulation to analyze the effects of mining-induced subsidence on pipeline deformation. Moreover, full-scale mechanical characteristic tests were conducted to explore the stress and deformation behavior of large-diameter pipelines under external loads, followed by a comprehensive safety and operation analysis. The results demonstrate that, as pipeline subsidence increases, the amount of subsidence at the pipeline ends is smaller than the central segment, and the deformation is approximately symmetrically distributed around the center. The relative displacement at the center of the pipeline is less than that at the ends. Under the combined effects of self-weight and external load, the top of the pipeline is subjected to compressive forces, while the bottom experiences tensile forces. The compression and tensile deformation increase progressively from the ends toward the center, with the maximum deformations occurring at the pipeline center. As the applied load increases, the overall deformation pattern of the pipeline transitions from a flat-bottom shape to a funnel-like shape. Under self-weight, the maximum settlement of the pipeline is 45 cm, reaching 35% of the maximum allowable settlement. When external loads are applied, the maximum settlement increases to 63.6 cm, accounting for 50% of the maximum allowable settlement. Based on the pipeline’s tensile strain and the maximum allowable elastic deformation, the safety threshold of the pipeline was estimated. The tensile displacements were calculated as 31 mm and 90 mm under coordinated and uncoordinated deformations between the pipeline and surrounding soil, respectively, which remain below the material’s safety limits. From the perspective of overall failure criteria, the pipeline remains in a safe state. Through the combined use of experiments and simulations, this research offers an in-depth understanding of the mechanical behavior of buried pipelines under mining-induced subsidence. It proposes critical safety thresholds and control measures.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining subsidence;508 buried pipeline;telescopic deformation;force state;subsidence

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王文,洪磊,任建东,等. 沉陷区大直径天然气管道受力变形全尺寸试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2025,50(2):872−883.
  • Citation
    WANG Wen,HONG Lei,REN Jiandong,et al. Full-scale experimental study on stress deformation of large diameter natural gas pipeline in subsidence area[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2025,50(2):872−883.
  • 图表

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