Dynamic prediction of surface subsidence at any point based on Boltzmann time function model
XU Liangji;SUN Zhihao;LIU Xiaopeng;ZHANG Kun;CAO Zongyou
安徽理工大学 深部煤炭安全开采与环境保护全国重点实验室合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院安徽理工大学 空间信息与测绘工程学院安徽理工大学 安全科学与工程学院
The underground extraction of coal resources can induce surface subsidence, posing a potential threat to both the ecological environment and the structural stability of buildings. Anticipating the dynamic subsidence values prior to mining is crucial for establishing a foundation for dynamic restoration designs in mining subsidence areas. This represents a pressing concern within the field. In order to precisely predict the dynamic progression of surface subsidence resulting from underground coal mining, an optimal time function model is synthesized based on the dynamic principles governing surface subsidence. Subsequently, the Boltzmann time function model is introduced to comprehensively analyze the model in terms of subsidence value, subsidence velocity, and subsidence acceleration. The analysis reveals that the model aligns with the dynamic trends of surface subsidence. Through an exploration of the influence of various parameters on the model’s representation, their physical significance is determined, and defined as the final subsidence value
mining subsidence;dynamic prediction;Boltzmann time function;probability integral model;sinking speed
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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会