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  • Title

    Effect of Core Wettability on Seepage Characteristics during CO2 Saline Aquifer Sequestration Process

  • 作者


  • Author

    Meiheriayi Mutailipu;XUE Fusheng;LI Tao;LI Yanjing;LIU Yu

  • 单位

    西北能源碳中和教育部工程研究中心新疆大学 电气工程学院大连理工大学 能源与动力学院

  • Organization
    Engineering Research Center of Northwest Energy Carbon Neutrality, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang University
    School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University
    School of Energy and Power, Dalian University of Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    To clarify the influence of core wettability on the seepage process during the CO2 saline aquifer storage, this paper studies the influence of wettability change in the saline aquifer on the seepage process based on the pore-level seepage model combined with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, providing theoretical support for revealing the two-phase seepage law under the effect of wettability. Firstly, the saturation parameters during the seepage process are measured by NMR technology in this paper, and the quadratic function coupling relationship between wettability and brine saturation is quantitatively analyzed. Later, based on the level set method at the two-dimensional level, by setting wettability as different wetting levels and spatial position functions, the influence of different wettability of the reservoir in displacing brine in the porous medium by CO2 on the seepage process is simulated. It was found that based on the functional coupling relationship between nuclear magnetic resonance longitudinal relaxation time (T1) and transverse relaxation time (T2) and saline water saturation (S), the core wettability changes during CO2 displacement of saline water could be well characterized. Based on the pore-scale seepage model representing the isotropy of wettability at the pore scale, it was discovered that when the core wettability was in extreme conditions, such as strongly hydrophilic (θ = 0°), neutrally wetted (θ = 90°), or strongly hydrophobic (θ = 180°), the residual water saturation was lower and the displacement effect was better. For anisotropic wettability, the displacement process was more complex, and its influence on relative permeability and residual saline water saturation varied. Especially, different wettability manifestations at the inlet and outlet ends would directly affect the two-phase seepage process. When the inlet end was more hydrophilic and the outlet end was more hydrophobic, the saline water seepage velocity was faster; this might be due to the anisotropic wettability causing the uneven distribution of seepage behavior, thereby resulting in spatial and temporal differences in seepage rate and displacement efficiency; it can be seen that the physical characteristics of the seepage channel have a significant influence on the seepage process. Future research needs to focus on the different effects at time scales in addition to the associated changes at spatial scales in the saline aquifer.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CO2 saline aquifer sequestration;Nclear magnetic resonance;Pore-scale seepage model;Wettability;Seepage processes

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    美合日阿依·穆太力普,薛福生,李涛,等. CO2咸水层封存中岩心润湿性对渗流过程的影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2025,50(2):1271−1279.
  • Citation
    Meiheriayi Mutailipu,XUE Fusheng,LI Tao,et al. Effect of Core Wettability on Seepage Characteristics during CO2 Saline Aquifer Sequestration Process[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2025,50(2):1271−1279.
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