• 全部
  • Title

    Study on correlation between speciation of nitrogen and sulfur elements and their transformation during pyrolysis of typical middle and low-rank coal in Ningdong

  • 作者


  • Author

    CUI Mingguo;CHEN Huijun;SHEN Yanfeng;BAO Weiren;CHANG Liping;WANG Jiancheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization, Taiyuan University of Technology
    Key Laboratory of Coal Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    As a relatively ideal type of middle and low-rank coal for graded conversion,  understanding the migration and transformation behavior of nitrogen and sulfur elements during the  thermal conversion process of typical middle and low-rank coal in Ningdong is crucial for the control of  pollutants.  Currently, gasification is the main process for coal thermal conversion, with pyrolysis as  the fundamental stage of gasification.  Therefore, based on a deep understanding of coal quality charac‐ teristics, the migration and transformation patterns of sulfur and nitrogen elements contained in typical  middle and low-rank coal from the Ningdong area during the pyrolysis process were investigated.  The  experimental results are expected not only to provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the thermal con‐ version process conditions and pollutant control of middle and low-rank coal in Ningdong, but also to  offer basic data for pollutant control in gasification processes. Therefore, this paper focuses on  Yangchangwan coal (YCW), Shangwan cleaned coal (SW) and Meihuajing coal (MHJ) from Ning‐ dong area as research subjects, using a fixed bed reactor to explore the release rules of HCN, NH  and  H S during the pyrolysis of three different types of coal with varying sulfur contents.  The effects of  element speciation, pyrolysis temperature (300 ℃-900 ℃) and heating rate (3 ℃/min-10 ℃/min)  on the migration and transformation of nitrogen and sulfur elements are investigated. The experimental  results show that the release of HCN gradually increases with temperature.  The release of NH  is  mainly concentrated between 500 ℃-900 ℃, with its maximum release peak at 700 ℃.  The release of  H S is primarily concentrated between 400 ℃-900 ℃, with its maximum release peaks at 600 ℃ and  800 ℃, corresponding to the decomposition of pyrite sulfur and some unstable organic sulfur, respec‐ tively.  Higher ash content can prevent the combination of free radicals, allowing more hydrogen- containing free radicals to combine with nitrogen-containing free radicals to form HCN.  The higher  the content of quaternary nitrogen, the greater the release of NH .  The higher the proportion of  unstable organic sulfur in coal samples, the more H S is released.  An appropriate heating rate is con‐ ducive to the secondary reaction of HCN to form NH .  With the increase of heating rate, thermal hys‐ teresis occurs.  When the heating rate is increased from 3 ℃/min to 10 ℃/min, the conversion rates of  HCN, NH  and H S in MHJ coal all show a significant decreasing trend, with the conversion rate of  HCN dropping from 4. 02% to 1. 28%, NH  from 13. 80% to 3. 91%, and H S from 38. 33% to  26. 04%.  In summary, the element speciation, pyrolysis temperature and heating rate significantly  impact the migration of nitrogen and sulfur elements during the pyrolysis process. Coal samples with  lower ash content, quaternary nitrogen content, and unstable organic sulfur content will release fewer  nitrogen and sulfur pollutants under pyrolysis conditions of 10 ℃/min, resulting in less environmental  impact.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal pyrolysis;nitrogen migration;sulfur migration;pyrolysis temperature;heating rate;element speciation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    崔明果,陈慧君,申岩峰,等. 宁东典型中低阶煤热解过程中氮和硫元素赋存形态与其变迁规律的关联性研究[J]. 煤炭转化,2025,48(1):12-26.
  • Citation
    CUI Mingguo,CHEN Huijun,SHEN Yanfeng,et al. Study on correlation between speciation of nitrogen and sulfur elements and their trans‐formation during pyrolysis of typical middle and low-rank coal in Ningdong[J]. Coal Conversion,2025,48(1):12-26.

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