• 全部
  • Title

    Study on characteristics of co-gasification reaction and solidification of heavy metals of waste activated carbon and municipal solid waste fly ash

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIAN Yiming;ZOU Xiaopeng;DU Juan;WU Dongqin;WANG Zhen;LI Yaojian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of New Energy, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
    Jiangsu Tianying Plasma Technology Company Limited
    Haian Zhongying Plasma Technology Company Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The synergistic treatment of waste activated carbon and municipal solid waste fly  ash can reduce energy consumption of melting, meanwhile realize the harmlessly disposal of waste  activated carbon.  Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to investigate the effect of activated  carbon type and particle size on gasification characteristic of waste activated carbon.  The co- gasification characteristics of waste activated carbon and municipal solid waste fly ash was also studied  via TGA.  The feasibility of co-process of waste activated carbon and municipal solid waste fly ash  was further verified via a plasma fly ash melting furnace with the treatment capacity of 40 t/d.  The  results show that the reactivity of waste honeycomb activated carbons are 7−10 times higher than the  reactivity of waste granular activated carbon; the mass fraction of ash of granular waste activated  carbon is as high as 75%, the reactivity of granular activated carbon is low at high conversion stage,  due to the high ash content; the specific surface areas of waste activated carbon with different particle  sizes (0. 25 mm−0. 60 mm, 1. 00 mm−2. 00 mm, 3. 35 mm−4. 75 mm) are 342. 9 m /g, 411. 3  m /g, 416. 5 m /g, the reaction rate of waste activated carbon with different particle sizes is basically  the same.  Therefore, the utilization of waste activated carbon with larger particle size during co- processing can reduce the generation of fly ash.  The municipal solid waste fly ash has a significant  catalytic effect on the reaction of waste activated carbon in the mid-early reaction stage, and the reac‐ tion rate decreases rapidly in the later reaction stage.  The test via plasma fly ash melting furnace  shows that the temperature of the combustion chamber increases with the increase of waste activated  carbon, the energy consumption is saved, and the molten slag formed by fly ash and waste activated  carbon can effectively solidify heavy metals, which verifies the feasibility and economy of the synergis‐ tic treatment of waste activated carbon and fly ash.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    waste activated carbon;municipal solid waste fly ash;plasma melting furnace;co-gasification;disposal of solid waste

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    钱奕鸣,邹晓鹏,杜 鹃,等. 废活性炭与垃圾焚烧飞灰共气化熔融反应及重金属固化特性研究[J]. 煤炭转化,2025,48(1):79-89.
  • Citation
    QIAN Yiming,ZOU Xiaopeng,DU Juan,et al. Study on characteristics of co-gasification reaction and solidification of heavy metals of waste activated carbon and municipal solid waste fly ash[J]. Coal Conversion,2025,48(1):79-89.

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