Application of complex flux from industrial solid waste to adjust ash fusibilty of high ash melting point coal ash
HE Xin;KONG Lingxue;BAI Jin;SHEN Jun;DU Anwen;LI Wen
Fusibilty of coal ash is an important parameter for coal gasification. Addition of flux is widely used to lower the high ash melting point coal ash fusion temperatures. The complex flux can significantly reduce the dosage of flux, improving the overall efficiency of coal gasification for the synergistic effect between different components. In this study, the impact of complex flux agents pre‐ pared from industrial solid waste, steel slag(GZ) and red mud(CN), the influence of complex flux on ash fusibility of high ash melting point Lu’an coal (LA) ash was investigated, and the mineral trans‐ formation was analyzed by experiment and calculation. The results show that addition amount of 2%−8% GZ, CN and complex flux can effectively lower the ash fusion temperatures (AFTs) of LA ash. As the mixing mass ratio of GZ and CN increases, the AFTs show a V-shaped variation; the combination of GZ and CN has a significant synergistic effect on reducing the melting characteristic temperature of Lu’an ash, and the synergistic effect is closely related to the addition amount and the mixing mass ratio of GZ and CN; the AFTs of Lu’an ash with composite flux is lower than that with GZ and CN alone, when the addition amount is 2% and the mixing mass ratio is 9∶1, or the addition amount is 4%, the mixing mass ratio is greater than 5∶5, or the addition amount is 6 % and 8% with all mixing mass ratios. The mineral composition at high temperature demonstrates that when the addi‐ tion amount and the mixing mass ratio are 2% and 9∶1, the contents of mullite and sillimanite in Lu’ an ash at high temperature are significantly reduced; when the addition amount is 4%−8%, the low- temperature eutectic is formed between albite and anorthite, calcite, gehlenite and other calcium- containing minerals at high temperature. These accounted for the synergistic effect of the composite flux on reducing theAFTs of Lu’an ash.
coal gasification;high ash melting point coal;industrial solid waste;complex flux;ash fusibility
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会