Numerical simulation and verification of combustion optimization of 600 MW tangentially coal-fired boiler after flexibility retrofit
PAN Bo;CHEN Xiaolong;SONG Dayong;WANG He;ZHANG Haitao;WANG Junbo;LIU Haiwei
After completing the flexibility retrofit of a 600 MW tangentially coal-fired boiler, several issues arose during high load operation,including large flue gas temperature deviations at the furnace outlet and difficulties in controlling NO emissions. To address these challenges and deter‐ mine the optimal operating parameters of the boiler, a three-dimensional model of combustion, flow and heat transfer in the furnace was constructe dusing the computational fluid dynamics software. The established model employed the standard k-ɛ model to describe fluid flow, the two-step competition model to simulate the release of volatile matter in coal, the dynamic/diffusion control model to explain the coke combustion reaction, the Lagrangian stochastic trajectory models to consider the two-phase flow process of pulverized coal particles and flue gas, the P1 radiation model to calculate the radiation heat transfer in the furnace, the finite rate/eddy dissipation model to simulate the gas phase combus‐ tion, and NO mass concentration in flue gas was calculated based on the simulated combustion field in a post-processing way. The effects of excess air coefficient α, primary air rate β and secondary air angle θ on furnace tangential combustion and NO emission at the outlet were analyzed in the condition of 100% BMCR. The numerical results show that the optimal operating parameters are α=1. 1, β= 30% and θ =0° to achieve both good tangential combustion and low NO emission. The simulation results were validated by a boiler combustion adjustment test. The test results demonstrate that under the optimal operation parameters, NO mass concentration at the economizer outlet of the boiler is reduced by 9. 96%, exhaust gas temperature is reduced by 2. 66%, flue gas temperature deviation is reduced by 2. 26%, and the boiler efficiency is improved by 0. 28%.
600 MW coal fired boiler;combustion optimization;temperature field;tangen‐tial firing;numerical simulation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会