• 全部
  • Title

    Research status on coal quality characteristics and in development of situpyrolysis technology of tar⁃rich coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Shifei;LIU Wei;ZHANG Jing;QIN Yunhu;MAO Lixin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Jiangsu Design Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources
    CNACG Key Laboratory of Mineral Resource in Coal Measures
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The tar⁃rich coal is important strategic resources to ensure the supply of oil and gas resources in China, u⁃tilizing of rich oil coal with the oil and gas properties fully can expand the utilization of coal and reduce environmentalproblems caused by direct combustion and utilization of coal. The in⁃situ pyrolysis technology of rich oil coal can pro⁃mote the effective utilization of deep coal resources. Based on the distribution characteristics of tar⁃rich coal in China,the paper analyzes the characteristics of coal petrology, coal property and their influence on tar yield, and summari⁃zes the in⁃situ pyrolysis technology of tar⁃rich coal. The exploration practice shows that China has abundant tar⁃richcoal resources, whose formation and distribution are controlled by tectonic evolution, paleoclimate, coal-forming en⁃vironment and sources of coal⁃forming materials. A large number of tests and analyses show that coal tar yield is relat⁃ed to the genetic type, metamorphism degree, coal macerals and coal quality characteristics. The in⁃situ pyrolysistechnology of tar-rich coal is one of the important ways of clean and efficient utilization of coal. The technology for theexploitation and utilization of other geological resources such as oil shale has limited applicability to tar⁃rich coal. Inorder to realize the low⁃carbon utilization of potential “ oil⁃gas” resources in tar⁃rich coal, it is still necessary tostrengthen the research on tar⁃rich coal resource fine exploration and evaluation technology,tar⁃rich coal in⁃situ heat⁃ing and underground system sealing technology,low⁃temperature pyrolysis of tar⁃rich coal and efficient extraction tech⁃nology of pyrolysis oil and gas,as well as the construction,monitoring and evaluation technology of the whole process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    tar⁃rich coal;coal quality characteristics;coal petrology composition;tar yield;in situ pyrolysis tech⁃nology;underground system sealing technology;coal-forming environment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHU Shifei, LIU Wei, ZHANG Jing, et al. Research status on coal quality characteristics and in development ofsitu pyrolysis technology of tar⁃rich coal [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2024, 39 (6): 23-33.

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