Drinking water disinfection is a critical measure to ensure water quality and protect publichealth. Since the initial application of chemical disinfectants such as chlorine and ozone, disinfectiontechnologies have continuously evolved to address the dual challenges of controlling waterborne diseasetransmission and managing the risks associated with disinfection by-products (DBPs). Ultraviolet (UV)disinfection technology is a notable example of this evolution. These advancements have been driven byincreasing demands for safer, more effective, and environmentally sustainable water treatment methods,in response to evolving health standards, urbanization, and public concerns over emergingcontaminants. This paper reviews the development and application of mainstream disinfectiontechnologies, providing insights into their historical evolution, application proportions, and theEnergy Environmental Protectionadvantages and limitations. We examine widely used disinfection methods employing free andcombined chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet (UV) light. In addition to reviewing traditional approaches,we explore the latest research advances and innovative applications of disinfection technologies.Emerging methods include breakpoint chlorination, the use of secondary disinfectants, ozone-chlorinecombined disinfection technology, and ozone micro-nanobubble disinfection. Novel UV-basedtechnologies are also gaining traction, such as UV disinfection with various or combined wavelengths,solar water disinfection systems (SODIS), UV side-emitting optical fibers (SEOFs), and UV lasersystems. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) employing UV light, nanotechnology-enhanced systems (e.g., nanowire-modified electrodes), and nanospike hydrodynamic disinfection showsignificant promise. Additional innovative solutions include antibacterial hydrogel disinfection,atmospheric plasma disinfection, and phage-based disinfection technologies, each offering uniquemechanisms to inactivate pathogens while minimizing the risks of DBPs. These approaches leveragediverse and often complementary reaction mechanisms, including free radical oxidation, photochemicaldeactivation, physical disruption, and biological interactions, to achieve efficient microbial inactivation.Through the combination of such mechanisms, these approaches improve disinfection efficiency andmitigate risks such as the formation of harmful DBPs, which are a growing concern with conventionalmethods. By integrating these technologies, the ability to simultaneously inactivate pathogens andmitigate harmful by-products can be significantly enhanced. To meet the increasingly stringent waterquality standards, future research is recommended to prioritize the development of "ideal" disinfectiontechnologies featured by high efficacy, environmental sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Thisincludes innovating new materials and equipment and tailoring disinfection methods to local conditionsand water characteristics. Interdisciplinary collaboration will be crucial in advancing both theoreticaland practical aspects of disinfection. Collectively, these advancements will push drinking waterdisinfection technologies toward safer and more sustainable practices, significantly enhancing theoverall quality and safety of drinking water worldwide.