Room Temperature Gas Sensor Based on GaN/PANI Micro Composite with Ultrahigh NH3 Gas Sensibility
LIU Xiaoru;JIA Zhengyang;GUANG Juxu;HAN Dan;SANG Shengbo
太原理工大学 电子信息与光学工程学院太原理工大学 微纳传感与人工智能感知山西省重点实验室
【Purposes】This study is carriedout to discuss on the response of gallium nitride (GaN) and polyaniline (PANI) composites to ammonia (NH ) at room temperature. 【Methods】The GaN mi‐ cron blocks were prepared by in-situ nitridation by using gallium oxide (Ga O ) as the raw material, then GaN/PANI gas sensing prototypes were fabricated by in-situ polymerization after pre- composition between GaN and PANI. The samples were characterized.【Findings】 It is observed that GaN micron blocks are connected to the mesh-like PANI from morphological result of GaN/PANI gas sensor, and proved the materials are well composited. The experiments are conducted to explore the sensing properties of pure GaN and GaN/PANI. In experimental conditions, the response of GaN/ PANI gas sensor to 100×10 NH is 80.73%, which is 1.7 times that of pure GaN to the same con‐ centration of NH and the limit of detection of GaN/PANI is determined to be 1×10 while that of pure GaN is 1×10 level. The gas sensing mechanism of GaN/PANI sensors is discussed, which provides a theoretical and experimental basis for the development of GaN composition. From this re‐ sult. The GaN/PANI gas sensor is proved to be an excellent candidate to detect NH at room tempera‐ ture.
GaN/PANI;NH3 gas sensor;in-situ nitridation;in-situ polymerization
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会