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  • Title

    Analysis of characteristics of the design of Xingmei Coal Preparation Plant′s coal washing process

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Huilong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Tangshan Research Institute Co. Ltd.
    Hebei Province Coal Washing Technology Innovation Center
  • 摘要

    针对邢美选煤厂入选原煤的特点,结合目标市场调研,先进设备技术支撑,在洗选硅煤选煤厂设计过程中,采用了诸多新的理念及创新设计:确定原煤采用三产品重介质旋流器主再选,粗煤泥分选选用TPS干扰床分选机,块煤采用智能选矸系统进行预选排矸;然后对选煤工艺流程、设备选型、工艺布置等进行了介绍。该选煤工艺先进、完善,使原煤得到超低密度高效分选,实现超低灰精煤、硅煤产品的生产;同时工艺系统灵活,适应性强,通过灵活选择不同生产方式,实现生产硅煤+炼焦煤、超低灰精煤+炼焦煤、硅煤+超低灰精煤+炼焦煤、只生产炼焦煤等多种产品结构组合方式;硅煤产品质量有保障,粒度为25~3 mm,产率 ≥ 85%,Fe2O3产率 ≤ 0.2%;兼顾社会效益的同时使经济效益最大化,预估吨煤加工费为18.2元,年平均利润为10 731.55万元,项目投资回收期(静态)3.89 a。目前市场上的“硅煤”主要是通过低灰的动力煤高密度排矸所得,通过此工艺洗选硅煤在国内外尚属首创,适宜在原煤煤质相近的选煤厂推广应用。

  • Abstract

    In design of the Xingmei silicon coal preparation plant, multiple new ideas and innovative design concepts are introduced. In view of the properties of the raw coal treated, and based on result of market survey, and the availability of advanced coal washing technologies and equipment, the plant opts to use the 3-product heavy medium cyclone as both primary and secondary washing equipment, treat the coarse slime with TPS teetered-bed separator, and treat the coarse coal through pre-removal of gangue using intelligent dry separator. The technological processes and the equipment selected for use as well as layout of systems are introduced. The washing systems prove to be advanced and well-appointed in technology, enabling the plant to effectively separate the raw coal at an ultra-low separation density to produce ultralow-ash clean coal and silicon coal products. Thanks to the flexibility and high adaptability of the systems, it is possible to produce through flexible selection either silicon coal + coking coal products or ultralow-ash clean coal + coking coal products or silicon coal + ultralow-ash clean coal + coking coal products, or only coking coal product. The quality of products can be fully assured. For treating the 25~3 mm coal, the yield is greater than 85% with the yield of Fe2O3 being less than 0.2%. While ensuring the social benefits, the economic benefit is maximized. The cost for treating each ton of coal is estimated to be 18.2 yuan and the annual profit that can be gained amounts to 107.315 5 million yuan on average (static investment payback period: 3.89 years). The silicon coal product currently available on market is mainly produced with power coal through removal of gangue at a high separation density. The silicon coal washing process applied in Xingmei Plant is the first of its kind both at home and abroad, which is suitable for use in other plants treating the raw coal with similar properties.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal preparation plant design;siliceous coal products;ultralow separation density;3-product teetered-bed separator;secondary flotation process

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈辉龙. 邢美选煤厂工艺设计特点分析[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(3):53−60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.009
  • Citation
    CHEN Huilong. Analysis of characteristics of the design of Xingmei Coal Preparation Plant′s coal washing process[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(3):53−60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.009
  • 图表
    • 邢美选煤厂工艺原则流程

    图(1) / 表(7)


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