• 全部
  • Title

    Solutions adopted by Hualong Coal Preparation Plant, Yan′an City, for separation of intergrown coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIANG Kunkun;SHAO Ming;ZHANG Longxin;TIAN Yansheng;YU Wenpeng;ZHANG Lin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Dadi Engineering Development (Group) Co. Ltd., Tianjin Branch
  • 摘要

    针对入选原煤中大块夹矸煤较多,经浅槽重介分选机分选后仍存在矸石灰分偏低、矸石带煤率高等问题,基于不同的夹矸煤破碎粒度产生的矸石(> 1.8 g/cm3)灰分变化情况的分析,延安市华龙选煤厂采用大块夹矸煤破碎解离的方法,选取1台型号为SSC80200的原煤双齿辊破碎机,将浅槽重介分选机入选上限由200 mm降低到80 mm(可调50 mm)。分析和生产实践结果表明:夹矸煤破碎粒度越小,> 1.8 g/cm3矸石灰分越高,矸石带煤率越低,说明块原煤中的夹矸煤经过进一步破碎解离后,可以实现高灰矿物与低灰煤炭组分的有效分离。改造后矸石平均灰分为82%,比改造前提高了8个百分点左右;矸石带煤率为0.16%,比改造前降低了2.84个百分点。该厂块原煤中的夹矸煤通过破碎机破碎解离后,夹矸煤问题得到了很好地解决。

  • Abstract

    The raw coal treated by Hualong Coal Preparation Plant is found to contain a great amount of coarse intergrown coal particles, and after treatment with H.M. vessel, the rejected material is considerably low in ash,entailing consequently a big loss of coal in reject. Through analysis of the variation of ash contents of the rejects (> 1.8 g/cm3) after the raw coal is crushed to different sizes.The method of crushing liberation of the coarse-grained intergrown coal is adopted, and the SSC80200 double toothed-roll crusher is used to crush the raw coal to reduce the feed coal to H.M. vessel from a top size of 200 mm to 80 mm or 50 mm (adjustable). It is noted that the smaller the size, the higher the ash of the > 1.8 g/cm3 reject and the lower the loss of coal in reject, which indicates that by liberation of the intergrown dirts through further crushing of raw coal, it is possible to realize effective separation of high-ash minerals and low-ash coal components.Practice shows that an average ash content of the reject product can go up to 82% and the loss of coal in reject is reduced to 0.16%, which are up 8 percentage points and down 2.84 percentage points, respectively, from the previous figures. The method adopted provides a better technical solution to the separation of intergrown coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    separation of coarse coal;intergrown coal;heavy medium vessel;upper size limit of separation;crushing liberation;ash content of reject;loss of coal in reject

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    姜坤坤,邵 明,张龙鑫,等. 延安市华龙选煤厂夹矸煤问题解决方案[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(3):70−74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.012
  • Citation
    JIANG Kunkun, SHAO Ming, ZHANG Longxin, et al. Solutions adopted by Hualong Coal Preparation Plant, Yan′an City, for separation of intergrown coal[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(3):70−74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.012
  • 图表
    • 浅槽重介分选机结构及分选原理示意图

    图(1) / 表(5)


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