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  • Title

    Experimental study on high value-added utilization and optimal flotation process of the fine coal produced by Jiliangde Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    PING An

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal (Tianjin) Underground Engineering Intelligent Research Institute Co. Ltd.
    China Coal Tianjin Design Engineering Co. Ltd.
    China Coal (Tianjin) Mining Technology Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要

    吉郎德矿煤具有特低灰、特低硫、高发热量等优良煤质特性,是制备高值煤炭产品的优质原料,但现有生产工艺中无浮选环节,因而煤泥直接作为电煤销售,造成了资源的严重浪费。为实现吉郎德矿煤泥的高值化利用,基于煤样的基本性质分析,通过单元浮选试验、浮选流程试验,明确了该矿煤泥适宜的浮选药剂种类和添加量,以及适宜的浮选工艺流程。结果表明:相较柴油和二号油(常规浮选药剂),低阶煤专用浮选药剂可明显降低药剂用量并提高浮选效果,且1#—6#低阶煤专用浮选药剂中3#药剂浮选效果更佳,在用量为2 000 g/t,油比为3∶1的条件下,经一次粗选+两次精选即可获得产率为15.69%、灰分为0.88%的超纯煤产品;按此药剂制度,设计了一次粗选+两次精选+两次扫选的工艺流程,获得了产率为13.64%、灰分为0.95%的1#精煤产品,产率为10.41%、灰分为2.98%的2#精煤产品,产率为6.35%、灰分为1.98%的3#精煤产品,以及产率为69.61%、灰分为10.41%的电煤产品。研究结果可使吉郎德矿煤泥经浮选后充分满足不同高值煤炭产品对灰分指标的要求,从而有效促进该矿煤泥的高值化利用。

  • Abstract

    The raw coal product by Jilangde Mine has an ultralow contents of ash and sulfur and a high calorific value in nature, making it a high-quality material for preparing high-value coal products. However, there is no flotation process in the existing coal washing systems of Jiliangde Coal Preparation Plant. As a result, the coal slime is directly sold out as power coal, causing big waste of coal resource. For making it possible to realize high value-added utilization of the slime, a study is made on the flotation process which can better adapt to the coal and the optimal types and dosages of reagents, based on results of proximate analysis and tests on batch flotation and flotation process. As shown by study results, the use of the special agent for flotation of low-rank coal can lead to noticeable reduction of consumption of agent and improvement of flotation efficiency, a result much better than the traditionally used Diesel oil and the 2# oil, and among the 1# ~ 6# agents, the 3# agent is most effective; and at a total dosage of collector and frother of 2000 g/t and a ratio of 3:1, and through one roughing and two cleaning processes, a ultra pure concentrate product with a yield of 15.69% and an ultralow ash of 0.88% can be obtained. According to this agent regime, a flotation system consisting of one roughing process, two cleaning processes and two scavenging processes is designed. With the use of the flotation system, three graded concentrate products and a power coal product can be produced: 1# concentrate product (yield - 13.64%, ash - 0.95%), 2# concentrate product (yield - 10.41%, ash - 2.98%), 3# concentrate product (yield - 6.35%, ash - 1.98%) and the power coal product (yield - 69.61%, ash - 10.41%). The use of the flotation system makes it possible for the Jilangde fine coal to meet the ash requirements for making high-quality coal products and hence promote the its value-added utilization.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flotation of low-rank coal;special flotation reagent of low-rank coal;screening of flotation reagent;flotation process flowsheet;ultrapure coal;high value-added utilization

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    平 安. 吉郎德矿煤泥高值化利用浮选试验与工艺研究[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(6):22−27.
  • Citation
    PING An. Experimental study on high value-added utilization and optimal flotation process of the fine coal produced by Jiliangde Coal Mine[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(6):22−27.
  • 图表
    • 常规浮选药剂用量试验结果

    图(8) / 表(4)


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