• 全部
  • Title

    Development of the VBA-based software for plotting coal screening equipment performance evaluation charts

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHEN Yanjie

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Tangshan Research Institute Co. Ltd.
    Hebei Province Coal Washing Technology Innovation Center
  • 摘要

    在选煤厂工艺设计过程中,煤用筛分设备的工艺性能评定涉及众多复杂数据计算与图表绘制工作,此过程不仅繁琐,且易出现误差。为优化设计流程,提升图表绘制效率,降低设计人员的计算工作量,开发了一套基于VBA的煤用筛分设备工艺性能评定图表绘制程序。用户只需输入实际入料、粗粒产品和细粒产品的粒度分析数据,程序即可自动完成计算并输出包括入料与产品的粒度分布、分配率与错配物数据、筛分设备性能报告表、均方差计算表在内的4份表格,和分配曲线、计算入料的粒度特性曲线、粗粒产品错配物曲线、细粒产品错配物曲线、总错配物曲线5条粒度特性曲线。程序的开发实现了筛分资料计算、曲线绘制、性能评估、数据校验等功能,有效简化了计算与绘图流程,显著提高了图表绘制效率,绘制图表仅需约10 min,并通过两点间拟合的方式提高了粒度特性曲线绘制的精确度。

  • Abstract

    The evaluation of performance of coal screening equipment performance in coal preparation design process requires a lot of tedious and error-prone data calculation and charts drawing work. In order to simplify and improve efficiency of the process, and reduce the workload of design personnel in data calculation, a VBA-based software for plotting coal screening equipment performance evaluation charts is developed. Once the actual size analysis data of feed, and oversize and undersize products are entered, the software can automatically execute data calculation and generate four table files (data of size distribution of feed and products, partition coefficients and misplaced material, report text of screen performance, and calculated mean square errors) and five characteristic curves (distribution curve, characteristic curve of size of reconstituted feed, curve miscellany rate of oversize, curve of miscellany rate of undersize, and curve of total misplaced material). Thanks to the capability of the software to perform such functions as calculation of screening data, plotting of curves, screen performance evaluation and data checking, the data calculation and charting process is rendered effectively simplified and more efficient, capable of completing the charting work within 10 minutes. Moreover, the accuracy of the characteristic curves plotted is significantly improved by using the method of fitting between two points.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Design of coal washing process;coal screening equipment performance evaluation;AutoCAD;VBA;plotting of characteristic curve;data check

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    申艳杰. 基于VBA的煤用筛分设备工艺性能评定图表绘制程序开发[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(6):33−40.
  • Citation
    SHEN Yanjie. Development of the VBA-based software for plotting coal screening equipment performance evaluation charts[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(6):33−40.
  • 图表
    • 入料与产品的粒度分布

    图(8) / 表(0)


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