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  • Title

    Analysis of key parameters and performance of XDF multi-stage dry separator

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Zhihui;YU Yang;JIANG Hao;YANG Haoxuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Tangshan Shenniu Machinery Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为有效提高< 6 mm细粒的干法分选效果,开发了一种基于振动力和风力联合作用的XDF型多级干选机。文章介绍了其结构和工作原理,并通过颗粒受力分析了该设备的关键参数,包括床面倾角、振动频率、风量、给料量等。在蒙古国MAK 公司Naryn Sukhai煤矿的应用实践表明:该设备对5~10 mm粒级排矸率为86.4%,灰分由入料的19.53%降低到精煤的7.47%;对1~5 mm粒级的排矸率达到80.2%,灰分由入料的17.13%降低到精煤的6.67%,即对整体及细粒级均分选效果良好。相比于普通复合式干选机不能生产灰分低于12.5%的精煤,XDF型多级干选机不仅可生产灰分合格的精煤产品,且精煤产率提高了约7个百分点,具有分选密度低,分选精度高,无需生产中煤,产品结构简单,避免中煤回选等优点。此外,与传统复合式干选机相比,该设备还具有有效分选粒度范围宽,排矸量大、排矸迅速,循环风流含尘浓度低等优势。XDF型多级干选机的成功开发,可有效弥补现有风力干选设备的不足,促进干法分选在< 6 mm细粒级中的应用。

  • Abstract

    In order to obtain an improved result in dry cleaning of the < 6 mm coal, the XDF multi-stage dry separator that works under the combined effect of vibrating force and air force is developed. Analysis on its structural design and working principle indicates that inclination angle of separating deck, vibration frequency, air quantity and feed rate are main operating parameters of the separator. Field application of the separator at Naryn Sukhai Coal Mine of Mongolia′s MAK company shows that for treating a feed with a size of 10~5 mm and an ash content of 19.53%, the gangue removal rate is up to 86.4% and the ash of the clean coal is as low as 7.74% while in the instance of treating a feed with a size of 5~1 mm and an ash of 17.13%, the above-mentioned two figures change to 80.2% and 6.67%, respectively, well demonstrating the efficiency of the separator in separation of small coal, in the abovegoing instances, the use of conventional compound dry separator cannot produce the up-to-standard clean coal product with an ash of less than 12.5%, while the use of the XDF separator, the yield of clean coal is 7 percentage points higher as well; the XDF separator can work with a lower separation density and a much higher separation sharpness and no middling product is produced in its separation process. Its other attractions include simpler product structure, elimination of middling recleaning process, wider separation size range, larger and faster waste removal capacity, and lower density of dust in circulating airflow, as compared with the conventional compound separator. The successful development of XDF multi-stage dry separator can effectively make up the deficiencies of the pneumatic separators currently available, and promote the use of dry method for cleaning < 6 mm small coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dry cleaning;dry cleaning of small coal;multi-stage dry cleaning separator;gangue removal rate

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨志辉,于 洋,江 浩,等. XDF型多级干选机的关键参数及其分选效果分析[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(6):41−47.
  • Citation
    YANG Zhihui, YU Yang, JIANG Hao, et al. Analysis of key parameters and performance of XDF multi-stage dry separator[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(6):41−47.
  • 图表
    • XDF型多级干选机中单级床面的分选原理

    图(4) / 表(6)


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