Renovation of LYUjiatuo Coal Mine′s gangue crushing system
HAO Ming;LI Peng
The issues existing in the LYUjiatuo Mine′s crushing system involve low crushing capacity, high energy consumption, large plant vibration and high failure rate of equipment. In order to solve the above problems, the gangue crushing process of first crushing and then screening originally applied by the mine is switched to a process that puts screening ahead of crushing, and the sizing crusher is used in place of the primary raw crusher. With the use of the renovated system, there has been seen a rise of crushing capacity by 67.74%, a drop of power consumption for crushing by 67%, reduction of risks of blocking of crusher by 75.4%, an effectively reduction of maintenance workload. The renovation work made may provided a useful reference for the design and transformation of the crushing system for hard rock materials such as gangue.
crushing of gangue;gangue crushing process;first screening and then crushing;size crusher;crushing capacity
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会