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  • Title

    Measurement and Analysis on Deep Borehole Blasting Vibration in Base Rock Section of Mine Shaft

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Inorder to reduce the vibration function of the blasting construction to the surrounding rock of the mine shaft, according to the mine shaft cross section, 「 ock property, drilling and blasting equipment and material and other factors, an optimization design was conducted on the blasting parameters.Based on the seismic tra nsmission features and the blasting vibration measuring principle, a site monitoring and measuring method of the deep borehole blasting vibration in the mine shaft was provided and the seismic transmission law of the blasting in the base rock was studied.With the regression analysis on the blasting vibration signals, an experiences for mula suitable to the blasting vibration attenuation law of the project was obtained and could provide the basis to predict the blasting seismic strength and to conduct the vibration control measures.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine shaft;bas rock section;deep borehole blasting;vibration measurement and test;

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