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  • Title

    Failure Height Development Law of Overburden Thick Loose Strata Above Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face Under Thin Base Rock

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  • 摘要
    为确保高承压松散含水体下缩小安全煤岩柱开采,合理回采防水煤柱内所留的煤层,在淮南煤田潘集矿区深厚松散层薄基岩条件下的综采工作面,采用地面地质钻孔、井下声波检层CT技术探测等多种现场实测手段,结合离散单元数值模拟,对深厚松散层薄基岩综采工作面覆岩破坏带高度发育的时空分布规律进行研究。研究结果表明:覆岩破坏带随工作面推进动态变化,随着综采工作面向前推进,导水裂缝带高度35.20~45.10 m,垮落带高度7.28~16.24 m;其覆岩破坏由下向上、由后向前逐步发展。
  • Abstract
    In order to ensure the coal mining with size reduced safety coal and rock pillars under the water pressurized loose water bearing layer and the rational m ining in the seam of the water proof coal pillar,a surface geological borehole drilling,a CT technical detection of the underground sonic wave picking up layer and severa I other site measuring means with the dispersed element numerical simulation were applied to the study on the time space distribution law of the height development in the failure zone of overburden strata above the coal mining face with deep thick loose layer of the base rock for the fully mechanized coal mining face under the deep th ick loose layer of the thin base rock in Panji Mining Area of Huainan Coalfield.The study results showed that the failure zone in the overburden strata would be dynamic ally varied with the coal mining face to be pushed forward.With the pushing forward of the coal mining face,the height of the water flow cracking zone would be 35.20 ~ 45.10 m and the height of the falling zone would be 7.28~ 16.24 m.The failure of the overburden strata would be developed from bottom to the top and from rear to fron
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep thick and loose layer;thin base rock;fully mechanized coal mining face;dispersed element numerical simulation;failure height of overburden strata;


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