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  • Title

    Study on Technical Standard System of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining with High Cutting Height

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  • 摘要
    针对目前我国特厚煤层大采高综放开采技术研究尚缺少相关技术标准及技术标准体系的问题,对此相关技术标准进行了研究。按照GB/T 13016—2009《标准体系表编制原则和要求》,建立了大采高综放开采技术标准体系,确定了大采高综放开采技术标准体系的结构与框架形式,列出了技术标准体系表与明细表,提出了急需研究制定的大采高综放开采工作面设计规范、生产管理规范等62项标准,以提高我国厚煤层开采技术与装备的标准化水平。
  • Abstract
    Due to shortages of some related technical standards and technical standard systems of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining technology with hig h cutting height in ultra thick seam in China, the statistic analysis and study were conducted on the related technical standards . According to GB/T13016- -2009 Prepara tion Principle and Requirements of Standard System Table, the standard system of fully mechanized top coal caving mining technology with high cutting height was esta blished.A structure and framework mode of the high cutting fully mechanized top coal caving mining technology standard system were set up.The technical standard sys tem table and the detail list table were determined 62 item standards, including the design code of the high cutting fully mechanized top coal caving mining face, produc tion management regulations and others urgently researched and established were provided in order to improve the mining technology and the equipment standardized level to the thick seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high cutting height;thick seam;fully mechanized top coal caving mining;technical standard system;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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