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  • Title

    Study on Cutting Head Moving Speed of Mine Roadheader Determined Based on Pick Tracing

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to determine the optimum matched relationship between the moving speed and rotary speed of the cutting head on the longitudinal shaft type ro adheader, an analysis was conducted on the moving law of the picks on the cutting head with no telescopic mechanism.Three tracing modes as the related pick tracing, semi related pick tracing and no related pick tracing were provided.The SolidWorksDs VBA language was applied to develop the relative analysis software LCkam of the pick tracing.The simulation results of all pick tracings on the cutting head with no telescopic mechanism showed that with the analysis on the moving tracing of each pic k on the cutting head, a matched relationship diagram between the moving speed v and the rotary speed n of the cutting head could be calculated and drawn.The V-n di agram could be applied to determine the rational moving speed scope of the cutting head under the different rotary speed condition.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    layout of pricks;pick tracing;moving speed;rotary speed;utting head of roadheader;

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