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  • Title

    Study on Dewatering Dynamics Performances Experiment of Lignite

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  • 摘要
    为考察褐煤在不同湿含量和温度下的动态脱水特性,以含氧量约10.5%的烟气为脱水介质,采用流化床脱水装置系统对采自内蒙古东部的褐煤进行脱水试验。结果表明:褐煤的流化床脱水过程分为恒速脱水阶段和降速脱水阶段,平均脱水速率随脱水温度的升高而增加。当脱水温度高于220℃时,只需5 min即可达煤样的拐点干基湿含量值(5%);在260℃脱水温度下平均脱水速率为4.33 kg/min。最后利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析了流化床脱水煤样的结构变化,发现脱水后煤样中含氧官能团降幅较大,吸收强度仅为原煤的51.03%,煤样的主体结构未发生变化。
  • Abstract
    In order to investigate the dynamic dewatering features of the lignite under the different particle size, medium and temperature, taking the flue gas with o xygen content about 10. 5% as the dewatering medium, the fluidized bed dewatering device system was applied to the dewatering experiments of the lignite from the ea st part of Inner Mongolia.The results showed the fluidized bed dewatering process of the lignite was divided into a constant rate dewatering stage and a down speed rat e dewatering stage.The average dewatering rate was increased with the dewatering temperature increased.When the dewatering temperature was over 220。C, only 5 minutes passed and the dewatering rate could reach the inflexion dry base moisture content (5%) of the coal sample.Under the dewatering temperature of 260 °C, the a verage dewatering rate would be 4.33 kg/min.Finally the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer was applied to analyze the structure variation of the fluidized bed dewa tering coal samples.It was found the oxygen functional groups in the coal samples after dewatering was reduced highly, the absorption strength was only 51.03% of the raw coal and the main structure of the coal sample was no change.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite;dewatering;fluidized bed;moisture content;dynamics;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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