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  • Title

    Study on Stability of Pulverized Coal Dense- Phase Transportation System for GSP Gasification Technology

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  • 摘要
    为实现大规模工业化GSP气化技术煤粉密相输送系统的稳定输送,研究了煤粉物性、输送工艺、操作参数对输送特性的影响。结果表明:当煤粉湿含量由6.9%降到4.2%时,锁斗下料顺畅,减压系统偶尔出现堵塞。采用压差控制输送煤粉时,煤粉质量流量波动大于20 t/h,而采用流量调节控制煤粉输送时,煤粉质量流量波动小于5 t/h,因此,采用流量调节控制时,煤粉输送稳定性大幅提高。当操作参数进料器流化气量由220~180 m3/h调整为90~140 m3/h时,煤粉输送管线注射器1气体的流量由7 m3/h调整为3 m3/h,投煤后关闭注射器2,可使固气比由280 kg/m3增加到400 kg/m3,质量流量由42 t/h增加到72 t/h,进一步提高了煤粉密相输送系统的稳定性。
  • Abstract
    In order to realize stable transportation of the pulverized coal dense-phase transportation system for the large scale industrialized GSP gasification tech nology, a study was conducted on the pulverized coal physical property, transportation technique and operation parameters affected to the transportation features.The r esults showed that when the moisture content of the pulverized coal was reduced from 6.9% to 4.2%, the coal discharging from lock hopper would be smoothly and ther e would be few jamming occurred in the pressure reduction system.When the pressure difference control applied to the pulverized coal transportation, the mass flow of the pulverized coal would be over 20 t/h.When the flow adjustment control applied to the pulverized coal transportation, the mass flow of the pulverized coal would be le ss than 5 t/h.Thus when the flow adjusted control applied, the stability of the pulverized coal transportation would be highly improved.When the parameters operated, th e fluidization flow of the feeder could be adjusted from 220-180 m3/h to 90-140 m3/h and the gas flow of the No.1 injector on the pulverized coal transportation pipeline could be adjusted from 7 m3/h to 3 m3/h.After the coal feed, the gas No.2 injectcr would be closed, thus the solid and gas ratio would be increased from 280 kg/m3 to 4 00 kg/m3, the mass flow would be inceased from 42 th to 72 th and the stability of the pulverized coal transportation could be further improved.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pulverized coal;GSP gasification;dense-phase transportation;entrained flow bed;coal gasification;

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