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  • Title

    Experiment of Powerful Anchor Truss Support System Applied to Mining Roof Falling Gateway

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  • 摘要
    阳泉煤业集团新元煤矿大跨度垮冒型顶板的运输巷受剧烈采动压力作用,其锚杆锚索支护效果差,基于现场调研和锚索测试资料分析,提出了强力锚索桁架与小孔径高预应力锚索联合支护的新型支护系统。通过研究得出该巷道顶板部分岩层在这种支护作用下形成双拱形强应力区,并分析双拱耦合支护机理。选取东四运输巷一段试验,采用KZL-300型顶板离层值自动记录仪,记录下该巷道顶板离层值。试验结果表明:采用强力锚索桁架与短锚索联合支护系统后,试验段巷道顶板离层量平均仅6.12 mm;巷道服务期间,顶板及两帮位移量分别较其他运输巷减少71.90%和57.45%,受二次或多次剧烈采动影响巷道得到稳定,保证了井下施工作业安全。
  • Abstract
    The bolt and anchor support effect of the transportation gateway with a large span faling roof by the serious mining pressure role in Xinyuan Mine of Yan gquan Coal Mining Group was poor.Based on the analysis on the site investigation and the anchor measurement information, the paper provided the new support syste m with the powerful anchor and truss as well as the small diameter high pre-stressed anchor combined support.The study showed that under the support role, the partia | strata of the roof in the gateway would form a double arch strong stress zone.The paper analyzed the double arch coupling support mechanism.One section of the Eas t No.4 transportation gateway was taken for a trial and the KZL-300 mode roof bed separation value automatic recorder was applied to record the value of the gateway bed separation.The results showed that with the powerful anchor truss and short anchor combined support system, the bed separation value of the trial section in the g ateway would be only about 6. 12 mm in average.During the gateway services period, the displacement of the roof and the two side wall in the trial section would be red uced by 71.90% and 57.45% individually than other transportation gateway.After twice and more serious mining influences, the gateway would be stabilized and the saf ety construction operations in the underground mine could be ensured.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    anchor truss;mining influence;roof failing seam gateway;roof bed separation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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