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  • Title

    Study on Fly Ash Fusibility Affected by Calcium Base Flux and Fusion Mechanism

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  • 摘要
    针对淮南、淮北(两淮)矿区高灰熔融性煤难以直接用于现有液态排渣煤气化工艺,利用5E-AFⅡ型智能灰熔点测定仪和X射线衍射仪(XRD)在弱还原性气氛下,分别对两淮矿区LH1、LH2、LH3三种典型煤样添加钙基助熔剂后灰熔融温度和高温煤灰熔体晶体矿物组成进行了研究。结果表明:添加钙基助熔剂后,3种煤灰熔融温度随助熔剂添加量逐渐增加,分别呈现先升后降、先降后升、先降后升再降3种不同变化趋势;煤样LH2添加钙基助熔剂后,煤灰在1 200℃时生成了钙长石等低灰熔融温度矿物,抑制了莫来石的生成,从而降低了灰熔融温度。由于仅利用XRD不能很好地阐述添加钙基助熔剂后煤灰熔融温度呈现的不同变化趋势,因此结合煤灰的基本化学组成和三元相图进一步探讨了添加钙基助熔剂后煤灰的熔融机理。
  • Abstract
    According to the high ash fusibility coal from Huainan and Huaibei Minng Areas was hard directly to apply to the available liquefaction technique with th e liquid fly ash discharging, under the weak reduction air, the 5E-AF I intelligent ash fusion detector and X-ray diffrarctometer were applied to study the ash fusion char acteristics temperature and the high temperature fly ash fusion crystal mineral composition of LH1, LH2 and LH3 typical coal samples with calcium base flux.The study「 esults showed that after the calcium base flux added, with the steadily added quantity of the flux, the ash fusion temperatures of the three coals would be in three differ ent variation tendency as a first increasing and then reducing, a first reducing and then increasing and a first reducing, then increasing and late then reducing.As for the coal LH2 with the calcium base flux added, the fly ash would form the anorthite and low ash fusion temperature mineral when the temperature reached at 1 200。C whic h could restrain the formation of the mullite and could reduce the ash fusion temperature.Due to the X-ray diffractometer could be not well applied to explain the differen t variation tendency of the ash fusion temperature after the calcium base flux added, thus the combination of the basic chemical composition and the ternary phase diag ram of the fly ash were applied to further discuss the fly ash fusion mechanism after the calcium base flux added.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    calcium base flux;fly ash fusion temperature;fusion mechanism;X-ray;ternary phase diagram;

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