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  • Title

    Study on Parts Parameterization Design System of Coal Shearer Based on UG

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  • 摘要
    为了避免采煤机零件的重复设计,减少采煤机新产品设计开发工作量,对采煤机零件的参数化设计方法进行了研究,并综合应用UG二次开发工具UG/Open API、UG/Open MenuScript、UG/Open UIStyler和Microsoft Visual C++6.0编程软件开发了基于UG的采煤机零件参数化设计系统。以采煤机截割部摇臂油位计壳体为例详细地介绍了系统开发设计的具体过程,通过实例验证了该方法的有效性。研究表明,参数化设计系统缩短了零件设计分析周期,减少了设计分析人员的工作量。
  • Abstract
    In order to avoid the repeated designs on the parts of coal shearer and to reduce the development work load of the new product design for the coal shea rer, a study was conducted on the parameterization design method of the parts for the coal shearer.The UG secondary development tolld UG/Open API, UG/Open Menu Script, UG/Open UIStyler and the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 programing software were applied to develop the parameterization design system of the parts for the coal sh earer based on the UG.Taking the case of the oil level meter of the ranging arm in the coal shearer cutting unit as an example, the paper in detail introduced the certain process of the system development design. The validity of the method was confirmed with the practical cases. The study showed that the parameterization design syste m could shorten the analysis period of the part design and could reduce the work load of the design and analysis personal. .
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    UG secondary development;coal shearer;parameterization;parts;

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